Equation of a Line: Dynamic Illustrator

How are the parameters (i.e. coefficients) of the terms on the right side of the equation of the line made visible in the graph itself? Explain.
Quick (Silent) Demo


Link to [color=#0000ff][b][url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/19m3Q8iAKTHopwKct2QsGpOfy1AoLrUH2YNi-xXm6yJc/copy]Relating SLOPE and Y-INTERCEPT to the REAL WORLD[/url][/b][/color][br]

Fastest Growing Function?

The applet below contains a collection of 6 functions.[br]Each function is color-coded so its graph is the same color as its description & equation listed on the right. [br][br][i]Of all these listed functions, which one will eventually "beat all the others", so to speak, with respect to increasing at the fastest rate? Explain your reasoning. [/i]
Quick (Silent) Demo

Solving Exponential Equations (I)

[b][color=#cc0000]Directions:[/color] [br][br]1) Solve the given exponential equation you see on the right side of the applet. [br]2) Write an exact expression for the solution to this equation. (It should be written as a logarithm.)[br]3) Use your calculator to obtain an approximate decimal value of this solution [br] (Round this value to the nearest 0.01).[/b][br][br]4) [b]Check the reasonableness of your solution by determining the coordinates (x, y) of the [br] intersection of graphs[/b] [i][color=#0000ff][b]f[/b][/color][/i] [b]and[/b] [i][color=#9900ff][b]g[/b][/color][/i][b].[/b] [br][br][i][color=#1e84cc]Generate as many examples as you need and work through these examples in order to master this concept! [br][/color][/i][br][color=#cc0000][b]Note:[/b][/color] [br]For some generated problems, you may need to [color=#cc0000][b]ZOOM WAY IN[/b][/color] or [color=#cc0000][b]ZOOM WAY OUT[/b][/color] in order to see the point of intersections of graphs [i][color=#0000ff][b]f[/b][/color][/i] and [i][color=#9900ff][b]g[/b][/color][/i].

Functions Resources

[list][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/k6Dvu9f3]Interpreting Functions[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/uTddJKRC]Building Functions[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/GMvvpwrm]Linear, Quadratic, and Exponential Functions[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/aWuJMDas]Trigonometric Functions[/url][/b][/*][/list]
Half-life function: Quick Exploration. (Large point & slider moveable.)
What does it mean for a function to be odd? (Points moveable.)

Geometry Resources

[list][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/z8nvD94T]Congruence (Volume 1)[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/munhXmzx]Congruence (Volume 2)[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/dPqv8ACE]Similarity, Right Triangles, Trigonometry[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/C7dutQHh]Circles[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/K2YbdFk8]Coordinate and Analytic Geometry[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/xDNjSjEK]Area, Surface Area, Volume, 3D, Cross Section[/url] [/b][/*][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/NjmEPs3t]Proof Challenges[/url]  [/b][/*][/list]
What phenomenon is dynamically being illustrated here? (Vertices are moveable.)
What phenomenon is dynamically being illustrated here? (Vertices are moveable.)
