Transversal Intersects Parallel Lines

[b][color=#980000]Students:[/color][/b][br][br]Use the GeoGebra applet above to help you complete the [b][color=#1e84cc]Transversals, Lines, & Related Angles[/color][/b] investigation given to you at the beginning of class.

Corresponding Angles: Quick Investigation

In the applet below, transversal [i]n[/i] intersects the lines [i]g[/i] and [i]i[/i]. [br][br]Interact with the applet below for a few minutes. [br]Then answer the questions that follow.
Use the [b]Slope[/b] tool to measure the slopes of the two lines [i]g[/i] and [i]i[/i]. What do you notice?
What does your observation from (1) tell you about lines [i]g[/i] and [i]i[/i]?
If you haven't done so yet, drag the white point along transversal [i]n[/i] as far as it will go. [color=#9900ff][b]What geometric transformation is taking place?[/b][/color]
If a transversal (in this case, [i]n[/i]) intersects 2 lines that have the property that you wrote in response to (2) above, what can you conclude about the pair of [color=#ff7700][b]orange corresponding angles [/b][/color]that were formed?

Corresponding Angles Converse Postulate

[size=150][b]Corresponding [/b][b]Angles Converse Postulate[br][br][/b]If the corresponding angles are ________________ then the lines are parallel.[/size][br]

Slope: Intuitive Introduction

[color=#000000]Discovery Lesson Activity: [br][/color][color=#980000][br][/color][b][color=#0000ff][url=]Slope: Intuitive Introduction Investigation [/url][/color][/b]

Parallel & Perpendicular Consequence

[color=#000000]The following applet demonstrates a property that parallel lines have when they're drawn in the coordinate plane. [br] [i] [br]Be sure to move the [color=#1e84cc][b]blue points[/b][/color] around quite a bit![/i] [/color]
[color=#000000]This applet demonstrates a property that perpendicular lines have when they're drawn in the coordinate plane. [br][br][i]Be sure to move the points around quite a bit and observe carefully as you do! [/i][/color]
[color=#000000]What can you conclude about parallel lines drawn in the coordinate plane? [/color]
[color=#000000]What can you conclude about perpendicular lines that are drawn in the coordinate plane? [br](Assume the lines are not aligned horizontally and vertically). [/color]

Parallel Lines Congruent Segments Theorem

Interact with the following applet for a few minutes.  Be sure to change the location of each BIG point.  Be sure to move the slider at some point as well.  Then complete the activity that follows.  
The applet above suggests a very powerful, yet often unused theorem in all of geometry. See if you can rearrange the list of words below to form a conditional ("If-then") statement that states what is shown in the applet above!  [br][br][color=#0000ff]segments        one           parallel             then[br][br]every      cut        transversal    segments      lines[br][br]or       congruent      they       transversal     cut[br][br]If      congruent     off       on       more[br][br]3   on    off[br][/color]
Write a formal proof of the conditional statement (whose words you've arranged) above.  
