Learning contents of maths by projects

Learning math through the [b][color=#1155cc]Technology of Information and Communication (TIC)[/color][/b] using the modeling and simulation environments applied to real contexts.[br][br][list][*][b]Teaching and Learning  Methodology[/b] supported by  Mathematical Software   -  [b][color=#1155cc]GeoGebra[/color][/b];[/*][/list][br][list][*][b]Monitoring the tasks assigned to students[/b]  supported by  Distance Learning Platform.[br][/*][/list]
[justify]The [color=#1155cc][b]TIC[/b][/color] was implemented in two practical classes of Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering of the [color=#ff7700][b][color=#a61c00]Superior Institute of Engineering of Porto –Polytechnic Institute of Porto (ISEP),[/color][/b][/color] within the framework of [color=#1155cc][b]Maths[/b][/color] discipline (2[sup]nd[/sup] semester, 2013/14).[/justify]
Scheme of teaching / learning methodology

Information: Learning contents of maths by projects