Geometry Problem LinkedIn

Find the area of the intersection of the quarter circle arcs...

[url=]Problem source[/url] [url=]Original drawing[/url]

Bloom's Taxonomy (Revised)

Benjamin Bloom's Taxonomy has bee misinterpreted by many since it inception, it shows a foundation in Remembering and builds upward. I feel that it should be an inverted trapezoid with Remembering as the base, but a base which collapses the whole structure when eliminated. Most advocates want to immediately go to the Analyzing, Evaluating, or Creating without the base of Remembering, the support of Understanding, and the ability of Applying. All are needed together and not necessarily linearly nor individually.[br][br][url='s_taxonomy]Bloom's Taxonomy[/url]: [url='s_taxonomy]h[/url][url='s_taxonomy]ttp://'s_taxonomy [br][/url]Revised heading 7/18/18
