Style Bar

How to open the Style Bar of an object
Depending on the currently selected tool or object(s), the [img][/img] [i]Style Bar[/i] provides different options to change the color, size, label or style of objects in your construction. [br][br]Open the [img][/img] [i]Style Bar[/i] for a certain object by following the steps below:[br][list=1][*]Select the object you want to change in any [i]View[/i].[br][/*][*]Click on the [img][/img] [i]Style Bar[/i] button in the [img][/img] [i]Graphics View[/i].[br][/*][*]Change the properties of your objects using the provided options in the [img][/img] [i]Style Bar[/i].[/*][*]Close the [img][/img] [i]Style Bar[/i] or select another object to change its properties as well.[/*][/list][b]Hints: [/b][br][list][*]You may select more than one object to change their properties at the same time (e.g. color, size of points) by pressing the [i]Ctrl[/i]-key while selecting the desired objects.[br][/*][*]You may also open the [img][/img] [i]Settings [/i]dialog, which offers more options to modify objects.[/*][/list][size=100]In [i]GeoGebra[/i], every object has a unique name that can be used to label the object in the [i]Graphics View[/i]. In addition, an object can also be labeled using its [i]value [/i]or its [i]name and value[/i]. [br][br]You can change this label setting in the [img][/img] [i]Style Bar[/i]. [br][list][*]Select the [img][/img] [i]Label [/i]button.[/*][*]Choose one of the provided options [i]Name[/i], [i]Value[/i] or [i]Name & Value[/i] from the drop down menu.[/*][/list][/size][size=100][b]Note:[/b] The value of a point is its coordinates, while the value of a function is its equation.[br][/size]
[br][list=1][*]Select a point and open the [img][/img] [i]Style Bar[/i]. Increase the point size [img][/img] and change its [img][/img] color.[/*][*]Select a segment, change its [img][/img] line thickness and style, and display its [img][/img] label.[/*][*]Select the circle and find out how to change its transparency and color.[/*][/list]
Try it yourself...
[i]GeoGebra [/i]offers captions for all objects to be able to label several objects with the same name.[br]Example: If you want to label the four edges of a square with the same letter [i]a[/i]. [br][br][list][*]Select the object whose [i]Caption[/i] you would like to change.[/*][*]Open the [img][/img] [i]Style Bar[/i]. [/*][*]Select the [img][/img] [i]Settings [/i]button to open the [i]Settings [/i]and select tab [i]Basic[/i].[/*][*]Enter the desired caption into the text field called [i]Caption.[/i][/*][*]Activate the checkbox [i]Show Label[/i] and select the labeling option [i]Caption[/i] from the drop down menu.[/*][/list]
How to open the Style Bar for a view
[list=1][*]Make sure that no object is selected.[br][/*][*]Click on the [img][/img] [i]Style Bar[/i] button in the upper right corner of a GeoGebra [i]View [/i]to open the [img][/img] [i]Style Bar [/i]for the active [i]View.[br][/i][b]Note[/b][i][b]:[/b] [/i]Each [i]View [/i]provides its own [i]Style Bar[/i] button and options[i].[/i][/*][/list][table][tr][td][b][i]View[/i][/b][/td][td][b]Button[/b][br][/td][td][br][/td][/tr][tr][td][i]Algebra View[/i][/td][td][img][/img][/td][td]               [br][/td][/tr][tr][td][i]CAS View[/i][/td][td][img][/img][/td][td][br][/td][/tr][tr][td][i]Graphics View[/i][/td][td][img][/img][/td][td][br][/td][/tr][tr][td][i]3D Graphics View[/i][/td][td][img][/img][/td][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td][i]Spreadsheet View[/i][/td][td][img][/img][/td][td][br][/td][/tr][/table]
Style Bar options for different GeoGebra views
[u][img width=24,height=17][/img][/u][u]Graphics View Style Bar[/u][br]Use the [img][/img] [i]Graphics view style Bar Button [/i]in order to open the [i]Graphics View Style Bar [/i]providing the following options:[br][br][list][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Show / Hide the Axes[/b]: You may show or hide the coordinate axes.[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Show / Hide the Grid[/b]: You may show or hide the grid (GeoGebra Desktop) or select which type of grid should be shown (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps).[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Go Back to Default View[/b]: If the view on the [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]Graphics View[/i] was changed before, this button sets the origin of the coordinate axes back to its default position.[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Change the Point Capturing Settings[/b]: You can choose between the settings [i]Automatic[/i], [i]Snap to Grid[/i], [i]Fixed to Grid[/i], and [i]Off[/i]. [/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Open the Properties Dialog[/b]: Open the [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]Properties Dialog [/i]for the [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]Graphics View[/i] or a selected object (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps).[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Display Views[/b]: You may display additional Views in the GeoGebra window (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps)[/*][/list][img width=24,height=17][/img] [u]3D Graphics View Style Bar [br][/u]Use the [img width=16,height=12][/img] [i]3D Graphics View Style Bar Button[/i] in order to open the [i]3D Graphics View Style Bar[/i] providing the following options:[br][br][list][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Show / Hide the Axes[/b]: You may show or hide the coordinate axes, as well as the [i]xOy[/i]-plane.[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Show / Hide the Grid[/b]: You may show or hide a grid in the [i]xOy[/i]-plane.[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Go Back to Default View[/b]: You may move the coordinate system back to the default view.[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Change the Point Capturing[/b]: You can choose between the settings [i]Automatic[/i], [i]Snap to Grid[/i], [i]Fixed to Grid[/i], and [i]Off[/i]. [/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Start / Stop rotating the View Automatically[/b]: You may rotate the [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]3D Graphics View[/i] automatically and can set the direction as well as the speed of the rotation.[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Adjust the View Direction[/b]: You may choose between the view towards the [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]xOy[/i]-plane, [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]xOz[/i]-plane, [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]yOz[/i]-plane, or [img width=16,height=16][/img] rotate back to the default view.[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Toggle Clipping Box[/b]: You may adapt the size of the clipping box and may choose between the options [i]None[/i], [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]Small[/i], [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]Medium[/i] and [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]Large[/i]. [/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Choose the Type of Projection[/b]: You may choose between a [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]Parallel Projection[/i], [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]Perspective Projection[/i], [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]Projection for 3D Glasses[/i], and [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]Oblique Projection[/i].[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Open the Properties Dialog[/b]: Open the [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]Properties Dialog [/i]for the [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]3D Graphics View[/i] or a selected object (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps).[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Display Views[/b]: You may display additional [i]Views i[/i]n the GeoGebra window (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps).[/*][/list][br][u][img width=24,height=17][/img][/u] [u]Algebra View Style Bar[/u][br]Use the [img width=16,height=12][/img] [i]Algebra View Style Bar Button[/i] in order to open the [i]Algebra View Style Bar[/i] providing the following options:[br][br][list][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Show / Hide Auxiliary Objects[/b]: Toggling this button shows or hides Auxiliary Objects in the [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]Algebra View[/i].[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Sort Objects by[/b]: You may organize the mathematical objects according to the following criteria:[br][list][*][i]Dependency[/i]: The mathematical objects are organized as [i]Free [/i]and [i]Dependent [/i]objects. If you create a new object without using any other existing objects, it is classified as a [i]Free Object[/i]. If your newly created object was created by using other existing objects, it is classified as a [i]Dependent Object[/i].[/*][*][i]Object Type[/i]: By default, the mathematical objects are organized by [i]Object Types[/i] (e.g. Angles, Lines, Points), which are displayed in alphabetical order. [/*][*][i]Layer[/i]: The mathematical objects are organized according to the layer they are drawn on.[/*][*][i]Construction Order[/i]: The mathematical objects are organized by construction order.[/*][/list][/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Display Views[/b]: You may display additional[i] Views [/i]in the GeoGebra window (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps).[/*][/list][br][u][img width=24,height=17][/img][/u] [u]CAS View Style Bar[br][/u]Use the [img width=16,height=12][/img] [i]CAS View Style Bar Button[/i] in order to open the [i]CAS View Style Bar[/i] providing the following options:[br][br][list][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Text[/b]: Select the button in order to change the [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]Text Color[/i] and set the style to [img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Bold[/b] or [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]Italic[/i].[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Virtual Keyboard[/b]: Display a virtual keyboard in a separate window (GeoGebra Desktop).[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Display Views[/b]: You may display additional [i]Views [/i]in the GeoGebra window (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps).[/*][/list][u][/u][br][br][img width=24,height=17][/img] [u]Spreadsheet View Style Bar[/u][br]Use the [img width=16,height=12][/img] [i]Spreadsheet View Style Bar Button[/i] in order to open the [i]Spreadsheet View Style Bar[/i] providing the following options:[br][br][list][*][b]Show Input Bar[/b]: Toggling this button shows or hides the[i] Input Bar [/i]at the top of the [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]Spreadsheet View[/i] (GeoGebra Desktop).[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Bold[/b]: Set the font style to bold.[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Italic[/b]: Set the font style to italic.[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img][b]Text Alignment[/b]: Set the text alignment to [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]Left[/i], [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]Center[/i], or [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]Right[/i].[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Background Color[/b]: Change the background color of a cell.[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Cell Borders[/b]: Change the style of the cell borders (GeoGebra Desktop)[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Properties Dialog[/b]: Open the [img width=16,height=16][/img][i] Properties Dialog [/i](GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps)[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Display Views[/b]: You may display additional[i] Views [/i]in the GeoGebra window (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps).[/*][/list]
Style Bar Options for Tools and Objects
Depending on the Tool or existing object you select, the [i]Style Bar[/i] offers a selection of buttons to change the following properties of either the selected object(s) or the object(s) you are about to create using the selectedTool[i]:[/i][br][br][list][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Point Style[/b]: You may choose between different point styles (e.g. [img width=16,height=16][/img] dot, [img width=16,height=16][/img] cross, [img width=16,height=16][/img] arrow, [img width=16,height=16][/img] diamond) and set the point size.[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Line Style[/b]: You may choose between different line styles (e.g.[img width=16,height=16][/img] dashed, [img width=16,height=16][/img] dotted) and set the line thickness.[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Color of Object[/b]: You may set a different color for the selected object.[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Color and Transparency of Object Filling[/b]: You may choose the color and transparency of the filling for the selected object.[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Text Style[/b]: You may set the [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]Text Color[/i], [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]Background Color[/i], Text Style ([img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]bold[/b], [img width=16,height=16][/img] [i]italic[/i]), and [img width=16,height=16][/img] Font Size for a text object.[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Labelling Settings[/b]: You may choose from the following Labelling Settings:[br][list][*][i]Hidden[/i]: No label is displayed.[/*][*][i]Name[/i]: Only the name of the object is displayed (e.g. [i]A[/i]).[/*][*][i]Name & Value[/i]: Name and value of the object are shown (e.g. [i]A = (1, 1)[/i]).[/*][*][i]Value[/i]: Only the value of the object is displayed (e.g. [i](1, 1)[/i]).[/*][/list][/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Caption[/b]: You may display a caption[br] that differs from the name or value of the object (e.g., if you want to[br] give several objects the same label) and can be specified in the [img width=16,height=16][/img][i] Properties Dialog.[/i][/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Absolute Position on Screen[/b]: You may fix an object (e.g. a text box) in the screen so that it is not affected by moving the (3D) Graphics view or zooming (GeoGebra Desktop).[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Properties Dialog[/b]: Open the [img width=16,height=16][/img][i] Properties Dialog. ([/i]GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps)[/*][*][img width=16,height=16][/img] [b]Display Views[/b]: You may display additional[i] Views [/i]in the GeoGebra window (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps).[/*][/list]

Informação: Style Bar