Distance in the Coordinate Plane (With Hints)

Discovery Lesson (Can be used without interactive figure below)

Distance in the Coordinate Plane (II)

[color=#000000]In the coordinate plane below, you'll notice that the axes and gridlines are missing. [br][br]You can move the [b]BIG BLACK POINTS[/b] anywhere you'd like. [br]Use this applet to help guide you through the questions on your activity sheet. [br][br]After completing your activity sheet, please answer the questions that appear after the applet. [/color]
[b][color=#0000ff]Questions:[/color][/b][br][br][color=#274e13]1) How can you calculate the length of the green segment, or [b]|RISE|[/b], WITHOUT counting spaces (or gridlines)? [br][/color][br][color=#cc0000]2) How can you calculate the length of the red segment, or [b]|RUN|[/b], WITHOUT counting spaces (or gridlines)? [/color][br][br][color=#000000]3) Let's call "[i][b]d[/b][/i]" the distance between point [i]A[/i] and point [i]B[/i]. Write an equation that expresses the relationship among [i][b]d[/b][/i], [/color][color=#274e13][b]|RISE|[/b][/color][color=#000000], and[/color] [color=#cc0000][b]|RUN|[/b][/color][color=#000000].[/color] [br][br][color=#000000]4) Use the relationship you wrote for (3) to calculate the distance between [i]A[/i](-3, 4) and [i]B[/i](2, -6) [i]without[/i] using the applet above. After you arrive at your answer, use the applet to check your work. [/color]

Vertical Angles Exploration (1)

Interact with this app for a few minutes. Be sure to drag the LARGE POINT around and be sure to move the 2 sliders you see.
Notice anything interesting? Describe as best as you can.
What happens if you make the size of the [b][color=#ff00ff]angle[/color][/b] BIGGER or smaller? [br][br][b][color=#ff00ff](You can change the size of the manila angle by using the manila-colored slider). [/color][/b]Does your response to the question above change? Why? Why not? Describe.

Plotting Points (x,y): Quiz

[b][color=#000000]Students:[/color][/b] [b][color=#1e84cc]Repeat this exercise as many times as you need in order to master this concept! [/color][/b]
Quick (Silent) Demo
