24 Hour Time

Watch the following video on 24hr time
Use the slider to set the time on the ANALOGUE clock to help with your Activity 1 and Activity 4
Activity 1: Draw the following digital times on to the analogue clock faces. Use the clock to help you by moving the slider of pressing the arrow buttons on the keypad.
a) 4:05[br][br]b) 7:30[br][br]c) 9:18[br][br]d) 3:42[br][br]e) 11:15[br][br]f) 2:40
Activity 2: You can find 24 hour time by adding the number of hours (pm) to 12. Remember the minutes stay the same. Use this method to convert the following times:
a) 4:00 pm (12+4)[br][br]b) 1:15 pm (12+1)[br][br]c) 9:22pm [br][br]d) 11:00pm[br][br]e) 6:18pm  
Activity 3: You can also work backwards to convert pm hours in 24 hour time to 12 hour time by subtracting 12 from the 24 hour time. Convert the following:
a) 18:20 (18-12)[br][br]b) 23:45 (23-12)[br][br]c) 14:25[br][br]d) 17:00[br][br]e) 22:10
Activity 4: Draw the above 24hr times on to the analogue clock faces. (Hint: you will have to convert the time first). Use the clock to help you by moving the slider of pressing the arrow buttons on the keypad.

Information: 24 Hour Time