The Gears of a Bicycle
The sketch assists students in determining how the pedal and rear wheel gears affect the rotation rate of the rear wheel.[br]The sliders "pedals" and "rear" set the number of teeth on the gears.[br]The sliders "links" represents the number of chain links that have left the gears; increasing values indicate rotation of the pedal and rear wheel.[br]The motion of the rear wheel can best be determined by observing the dark spoke.[br]The lighter spokes will appear to move at a different rate due to a perceptional and sampling phenomenon.
The Gears of a Bicycle
Gear Ratios
Gear ratio can be found using the number of gear teeth or the comparison of rotations[br]between the input gear and the output gear.[br][br][b][color=#0000FF]output gear # of teeth[/color]:[color=#FF0000]input gear # of teeth[/color][/b][br][br][i]OR[/i][br][br][b][color=#FF0000]input gear # of rotations[/color]:[color=#0000FF]output gear # of rotations[/color][/b][br][br][b]Directions:[/b][br]Select the Play button in the lower left-hand corner to begin.[br]Then, adjust the input gear # of teeth to see how the input gear size impacts the gear ratio.