Matching Verbal Statements to Algebraic Statements (V1)

[b][color=#c51414]Directions:[/color][/b][br][br]1) In the applet below, note that there are 2 matching sections. [br]2) In the first section (above the [color=#c51414]red line[/color]), type in the number (1, 2, 3, or 4) of the algebraic statement that corresponds to each verbal statement shown.[br] [b] [color=#b20ea8]When you answer all items in the first section correctly, the applet will indicate this to you.[/color] [/b] [br][br]3) Once you answer all items in Section I correctly, proceed to section II, and repeat step (2).

情報: Matching Verbal Statements to Algebraic Statements (V1)