What is a Radian?
Interact with this app for a few minutes. Then answer the questions that follow.
A [b]radian[/b] is another unit of angle measure (like degrees). Solely from what you've seen above (and without using Google), [b]describe, in your own words, what it means for an angle to measure one radian. [/b]
We know a circle is a full arc that measures 360 degrees. From what you've seen, approximate the number of radians that make a full circle (revolution).
Angles in Standard Position
The angle drawn below in the coordinate plane is classified as being drawn in [b]STANDARD POSITION. [br][br][/b]Interact with the applet for a minute.[br]Then answer the question that follows.
What does it mean for an angle drawn in the coordinate plane to be drawn in [b]STANDARD POSITION? [br][br][/b](Your definition should list 2 criteria.)
Right Triangle Generator for Right Triangle Trigonometry
Math Teachers and Students:
Here, we have a custom tool (far right) that lets you quickly construct a right triangle by simply plotting 2 points and THEN entering the measure of one of its acute interior angles. [br][br][b]Note: [/b][br]If you select the RightTriangle tool (far right), simply plot 2 points. Then, enter in the measure of any acute angle. (You can also, if you choose, enter [math]\alpha[/math] = name of slider) if you wish to quickly change the size of this acute angle.
Quick (Silent) Demo: How to Use
Sine and Cosecant Functions (Special Property)
Suppose [math]\theta[/math] is an angle drawn in standard position. [color=#666666][b]Let [i]P[/i]([i]x[/i], [i]y[/i]) be any point in the coordinate plane[/b][/color] and let[color=#666666][b] [i]r[/i] = the distance from [i]P[/i] to the origin[/b][/color]. [br][br]Recall [math]sin\left(\theta\right)=\frac{y}{r}[/math] and [math]csc\left(\theta\right)=\frac{r}{y}[/math]. [br][br]Interact with the applet below for a minute or two. Then answer the questions that follow. [br][color=#666666][b](Be sure to move point [i]P[/i] to various locations!) [/b][/color][br][br]
Regardless of where [i][color=#666666][b]P[/b][/color][/i] lies, what is the relationship between the values of the ratios [math]sin\left(-\theta\right)[/math] and [math]sin\left(\theta\right)[/math]?
Regardless of where [i][color=#666666][b]P[/b][/color][/i] lies, what is the relationship between the values of the ratios [math]csc\left(-\theta\right)[/math] and [math]csc\left(\theta\right)[/math]?
What do these 2 observations imply about the sine and cosecant functions? (Click [url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/pb8Drtd5]here[/url] and/or [url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/GY9tNvfB]here[/url] for a hint!)
Sine Spaghetti (by Steve Phelps)
Original creativity and design in the app below by [url=https://www.geogebra.org/u/stevephelps]Steve Phelps[/url].
Move the [b]LARGE POINT [i]P[/i] [/b]to various locations around the circle. Each time you do, [br][list=1][*]Press the [b][color=#cc0000]Make Segment[/color][/b] button. [/*][*]Drag the segment you just made so its endpoint that originally touched the horizontal axis now touches the open-holed point on the right. (See quick screencast below.) [/*][*]Repeat steps (1) - (2) numerous times. Get as many segments dragged to the right as you can. [/*][*]Use the [b]PEN tool[/b] to draw a curve that connects the other endpoints of the segments that do not touch the horizontal axis. [/*][/list]
What does this curve look like to you? Describe.
Using Inverse Trig Functions to Express Angle Measures
Use inverse trigonometric functions to enter 3 different exact values for the measure of angle A. Do the same for angle B. Then, approximate angle A's measure to the nearest tenth (at bottom).
Quick silent demo
Open Middle: Trigonometric Equation (1)
Creation of this resource was inspired by this original Open Middle exercise created by Kevin Rees:

Directions: Using digits 1-9 AT MOST ONE TIME EACH, type a digit in each box to make the trigonometric equation below true. Build and modify as much as you need.
Directions: Using digits 1-9 AT MOST ONE TIME EACH, create another valid setup that is ENTIRELY DIFFERENT from the one you created above.
Directions: Using digits 1-9 AT MOST ONE TIME EACH, create another valid setup that is ENTIRELY DIFFERENT from the two setups you created above.
What is the LOWEST POSSIBLE OUTPUT (value that both sides equal) you can create given the constraints of this problem? Create a setup that shows this below.
What is the HIGHEST POSSIBLE OUTPUT (value that both sides equal) you can create given the constraints of this problem? Create a setup that shows this below.
New Trig IDs From Similar Right Triangles
Recall the definitions of the 6 trigonometric functions defined at an angle drawn in standard position within the coordinate plane. (These ratios were defined in terms of [i]x[/i], [i]y, [/i]& [i]r[/i]). [br][br]Interact with this diagram for a minute or two. (The 2 LARGE POINTS are moveable). [br]Then, answer the question prompts that follow.
Explain why each segment IS what it is. (Some are much easier than others). [br][br]For example, how do we know the [b][color=#9900ff]purple segment has a length = to the tangent of[/color][/b] [math]\theta[/math]?
How many pairs of similar triangles do you see here? How do we know these triangles you reference are all similar to each other?
You have previously learned that similar triangles have corresponding sides that are in proportion. That is, ratios of corresponding sides of similar triangles are all equal in value. [br][br][i]Given this fact, try to author other trig identities from this picture.[/i] You can type them in the space below. Or, even better, feel free to type or use the digital pen to write them in the app below this space. [br]
Write some new trig identities here!
Write some new trig identities here! Use this space if you run out of room above.
Law of Sines: Intro via Areas
In the app below, points A and B are MOVEABLE. You can change the sizes of the colored angles using the two colored sliders in the lower left corner. Slide the long slider slowly and carefully watch what happens!
[img width=329,height=170]https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/MP__fZu80x1doBPReABsDuZddxJj0leoUvgMv70UrxfEpTMWH9GP7HKvIVpedWo1Fyc3Ww1ZrdCLY_l4LOa_nxirCJsGmRChdt3jwP0dIWAhks2_yvuMJNsWCI-bWRyHQi1iLETo[/img][br][br][br][br]What is the area of this rectangle in terms of [i][b]a[/b][/i] and [i][b]sin B[/b][/i]?
[img width=236,height=220]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/bGoknLi6GkA-yFtCKiWWaplR8IH6-_ixHn8_hZ6X8wFAnQb1m50pMbqd-fa6EEGAFPSYF3nJAM4DJQSNbGAQRO9HBqLUqf1ac0iWUhGBTpw9ZAkDUjXUlOVK35Uu7hCjGozYBNK6[/img][br][br][br][br][br][br][br]What is the area of this rectangle in terms of[b] [i]b[/i] [/b]and [b][i]sin[/i] [i]A[/i][/b]?
What can we conclude about the areas of these two rectangles? Why can we conclude this?
Given your responses to the questions above, write an equation that expresses the relationship among [b][i]a[/i], [i]b[/i], sin [i]A[/i], and sin [i]B[/i]. [/b]
Copy the equation you wrote above in the app below. Then rewrite an equivalent equation so that a and sin(A) appear on one side of the equation and so b and sin(B) appear on the other side.
Quick (silent) demo
Functions Resources
[list][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/k6Dvu9f3]Interpreting Functions[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/uTddJKRC]Building Functions[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/GMvvpwrm]Linear, Quadratic, and Exponential Functions[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/aWuJMDas]Trigonometric Functions[/url][/b][/*][/list]