Isosceles and Equilateral Triangles

Explore the properties of isosceles and equilateral triangles by following the directions and answering each question.
Isosceles Triangle
Drag and drop Point A or Point B again and again. What do you notice about the lengths of sides and measures of angles?
Is it possible for an isosceles triangle to also be a right triangle?
Is it possible for an isosceles triangle to be obtuse?
Is it possible for an isosceles triangle to be acute?
Is it possible for an isosceles triangle to be equilateral?
Equilateral Triangle
Drag and drop Point A or Point B again and again. What do you notice about the lengths of sides and measures of angles?
Is it possible for an equilateral triangle to be a right triangle?
Is it possible for an equilateral triangle to be acute?
Is it possible for an equilateral triangle to be obtuse?

Information: Isosceles and Equilateral Triangles