
Per cominiciare...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vel ante quis quam commodo vulputate. Maecenas finibus dui nec lectus iaculis cursus. Vestibulum iaculis nisl ex, quis egestas est consectetur eu. Cras a ligula pulvinar, egestas lacus ut, pulvinar neque. Phasellus eget nunc ut tortor vulputate mattis. 

Segmento parabolico colorato

La retta e la cinematica

Indica la risposta corretta

Proof Without Words

Drag the points in the sketch below.[br]What do you notice? What does this prove? How does this prove it?

Esercizio "non esce"

Copia di Triangle Angle Theorems

[color=#000000]Interact with the applet below for a few minutes.  [br]Then, answer the questions that follow.  [br][br][/color][i][color=#980000]Be sure to change the locations of the triangle's WHITE VERTICES each time before you drag the slider!!! [/color][/i]
[b][color=#980000]Questions:[/color][/b][br][br][color=#000000]1) What geometric transformations took place in the applet above?[/color][br][color=#000000]  [/color][br][color=#000000]2) When working with the triangle's interior angles, did any of these transformations [br] change the measures of the [/color][color=#0000ff]blue[/color] [color=#000000]or[/color] [color=#6aa84f]green[/color] [color=#000000]angles?  [br][br]3) From your observations, what is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of[br]    [i]any triangle?  [br][/i][br]4) When working with the triangle's exterior angles, did any of these transformations change the measures of the [/color][color=#6aa84f]green[/color][color=#000000] or [/color][color=#999999]gray[/color][color=#000000] angles? [i][br][br][/i]5) From your observations, what is the sum of the measures of the exterior angles of[br]    [i]any triangle?  [/i][/color]
