Quadratic Equation and Quadratic Function

Quadratic Equation and Quadratic Function
[u][b]Instruction[/b][br][/u]1. Insert any number into the box to get the equation.[br]2. Click the tick box to see the answer of the roots, completing the square, min/max point or line of symmetry.[br][br][u][b]Other Option[/b][br][br][/u]1. You can click 'play' button to identify the general form of equation [math]f\left(x\right)=ax^2+bx+c[/math] .[br]2. Click 'stop' button to stop the animation and 'reset' button to reset the general form equation from 0.[br][br][b][u]Problem Solving Question[/u][br][br][/b]Refer to the picture, discuss with the group and give the correct and suitable answer[br][br]Question 1 : Can you guess whether the ‘AngryBird’ will hit the green animal?[br][br]Question 2: Did you know, you can guess to hit the green animal by using the form of quadratic equation? What is the right quadratic equation? (Insert the right number into the respective box)[br][br]Question 3 : What is the distance between them?[br][br]Question 4 : What is the roots of the quadratic equation?[br][br]Question 5 : What is the max point of equation and the line of symmetry?[br][br]

Informação: Quadratic Equation and Quadratic Function