Change the original object or the mirror line to explore the effect of reflection.
Two reflections
Change the original object or the mirror lines to explore the effect of two reflections
Two reflections
Change the original red dot or angle between mirrors to explore successive reflection in 2 mirrors.
Rotation and Dilation
combine rotation and dilation
In this example, a triangle (named 'poly1') is rotated and dilated with a specified angle t and factor r, about the center A. The two transformations can be combined as one in the command.[br][br]Dilate[Rotate[poly1, t, A], r, A]
repeat the action
We can continue with this action on each object formed, resulting in a series of triangles, which can be named as poly2, poly3, poly4, etc by repeating the command in the following way:[br][br]poly2=Dilate[Rotate[poly1, t, A], r, A][br]poly3=Dilate[Rotate[poly2, t, A], r, A][br]poly4=Dilate[Rotate[poly3, t, A], r, A][br]poly5=Dilate[Rotate[poly4, t, A], r, A][br]…...
figure 2
varying the parameters
Here is another way for creating each of these triangles by varying the angle and factor each time, but applying the transformation to the first figure only.[br][br]Dilate[Rotate[poly1, n*t, A], r^n, A][br][br]We use the letter n to indicate suitable angle and factor if the action is repeated on the first triangle. Drag the slider for n to see the effect.
figure 3
Translation in 2 directions
translation by combination of vectors
An object can be translated with various combinations of given vectors. For example, the following shape (poly1) is translated by the vector u+2v. The command is:[br][br]Translate[poly1, u+2v][br][br]This means that poly1 is moved by the vector u, and then further moved by the vector 2v. Change vector u or v to see how the movement is affected.
figure 13
translate repeatedly in the same direction
We create a list of objects by translating ploy1 using different multiples of vector u (from -3u to 3u). [br][br]The command is:[br][br]list1=Sequence[Translate[poly1, m*u], m, -3, 3][br][br]The result is a set of 7 copies called list1. This list1 can then be transformed in another way as a single object.
figure 14
moving in another direction
The list1 created in previous example can be moved in another direction by the vector v. The slider k is used to illustrate how this result may change by using different multiples of vector v.[br][br]The new list is created by the command:[br][br]Translate[list1, k*v]
figure 15
array of objects
An array of objects can be made by generating another list, which contains multiple translations of previous object 'list1'. The command is:[br][br]Sequence[Translate[list1, n*v], n, -3, 3]
figure 16
Download Wallpaper Files
This section contains examples for 17 wallpaper symmetry patterns. [br][br]Some applets may run very slowly. The GeoGebra files can be downloaded with this link:[br][br][url][/url][br][br]More information about these patterns can be found on the web, such as [br][br][url][/url]
Rotating Squares Tiling
This group of squares around a parallelogram can be extended to fill the plane.
A pentagon tiling can be generated from this pattern of squares.