Select the [img][/img] [i]Tools [/i][i]View [/i]button to open the [i]Tools [i]View[/i][/i]. [br][br][b]Note:[/b] The [img][/img] [i]Tools View [/i]shows a selection of most important tools. If you want to see more tools, select [i]MORE[/i] at the end of the [img][/img] [i]Tools View[/i].
[b][icon][/icon]Point[br][/b]To create a point select the [i]Point [/i]tool and click on the [i]xOy [/i]plane in the [i]3D Graphics View.[/i] [br][b]Hint:[/b] You can toggle between moving the point horizontally or vertically by selecting the point. After each selection, arrows are displayed next to it, indicating which movement is currently possible.[br][b][br][icon][/icon]Sphere with Center through Point[br][/b]To create a sphere, first select or create the center point and then another point on the sphere.[br][br][b][icon][/icon]Polygon[/b][br]Successively select or create at least three points, which will be the vertices of the polygon. Then, select the first point again to close the polygon. [br][br][icon][/icon] [b]Extrude to Prism[/b][br]You can create a prism by extruding an existing polygon: click or drag the polygon to set its height. Extruding a circle will create a cylinder.[br][br][b]Hint:[/b] If you select a tool from the [img][/img] [i]Tools [i]View[/i], [/i]a [i]Tooltip[/i] appears for a few seconds explaining how to use the selected tool. You can also click it to get further information.