Basic rules

Complementary angles
Complementary angles are a pair of angles that add to 90 degrees
You can see in the video that [math]\angle[/math]DBA = 68.2 and [math]\angle[/math]CBD = 21.8[br]68.2 + 21.8 = 90[br]Therefore the angles are [b]complementary[/b]
Use the angle tool to find all angles that are complementary
Which angles are complementary?[br]
Supplementary angles
Supplementary angles are a pair of angles that add to 180 degrees
You can see in the video that [math]\angle[/math]DBA = 75.96 and [math]\angle[/math]CBD =104.04[br]75.96 + 104.04 = 180[br]Therefore the angles are [b]supplementary[/b]
Which pairs of angles are supplementary?
Angles in a Triangle
All three angles inside a triangle add to 180 degrees
You can see in the video that the three interior angles are:[br][math]\angle[/math]CAB = 27.05[math]^\circ[/math][br][math]\angle[/math]ABC = 114.17[math]^\circ[/math][br][math]\angle[/math]BCA = 38.78[math]^\circ[/math][br][br]27.05 + 114.17 + 38.78 = 180
Find the missing angle [math]\angle[/math]CBA
Use what you have learnt to find [math]\angle[/math]EFC
Angles on a line add to 180 degrees
Go to this transum website to have a go:[br]
Angles at a point
Move any point around and watch how the angles change.[br]But what do you notice about the sum of the angles?
What is the value of [math]\angle[/math]FBE?
For more questions complete this activity:[br]

Information: Basic rules