Discover Attributes

Exercise by Reka
Grade/Age: any[br][br]Topic/Subject area: any [br][br]Duration: 20-25 mins[br][br]Number of the students: any[br][br]Single work/Team work: both
1. Each student gets a set, and are asked to experiment with it, build freely, and make observations about the pieces and about the game (5 mins)[br]2. In small groups, students share what they found, and they are asked to make subject-specific observations. E.g. for math: What mathematical observations can you make? (5 mins)[br]3. Teacher shuffles groups, and students share their previous observations to their new partners, plus look for more observations. (5 mins)[br]4. Each group shares one observation with the whole class (5 mins)
Possible discoveries by subject:[br]Math: Three heights, Number of vertices, faces, edges, Equilateral triangle, prism, Faces what polygons[br]Science: Material of pieces, density[br]Arts: Form, texture, associations
This activity works best when students first meet the set before they know the rules of the game. Can be preceded by movement activities, but nothing more specific.[br][br]Note Eva: maybe let them play with the resources from Diego Lieban on GeoGebra about Logifaces first.

Informação: Discover Attributes