Animated Twitter Bird

Can you figure out which transformations are being used in this sketch?

One Variable Linear Equations revised

Multiplying Linear Polynomials with Area Model

Multiplying Linear Polynomials with Area Model

Writing Polynomial Functions from their Graphs

Write a polynomial function rule for the given polynomial graph using what you know about roots, x-intercepts, and multiplicity.
Writing Polynomial Functions from their Graphs

Copy of Logarithmic Action (4)!

Interact with the applet below for a few minutes. [br][b][color=#9900ff]At any time, you can move the purple point with coordinates ([i]c[/i], 0) anywhere on the positive x-axis. [/color] [/b][br][br]Please answer the questions that follow.
For any value [i]c[/i] > 0, write 2 identities that express the relationships visually shown here.
Since logarithms are exponents, explain why (using what you already know about exponent properties), these two relationships must be true.
