Quadratic Vertex Form Slider Tool

Use the slider tool to test how functions we work on in class, and on homework, have been transformed from the parent function [math]f(x)=x^2[/math]

[list] [*]Slide the value of a from 1 to a number larger than 1. What happens? What is the transformation you see? [*]Slide the value of a from 1 to a number between 0 and 1. What happens? What is the transformation you see? [*]Slide the value of h from 0 to a positive number. What happens? What is the transformation you see? [*]Slide the value of h from 0 to a negative number. What happens? What is the transformation you see? [*]Slide the value of k from 0 to a positive number. What happens? What is the transformation you see? [*]Slide the value of k from 0 to a negative number. What happens? What is the transformation you see? [/list]