UCSS Math I 3.3.2 Example 3

Use the determinant to find the area of the following triangle.

[list=1] [*]Identify the coordinates of the vertices. [*] Use the formula in the applet to translate the triangle. [*] Find the determinant of the given matrix. [*] Find the area of the triangle. [/list] This applet is provided by Walch Education as supplemental material for the [i]UCSS Secondary Math I[/i] program. Visit [url="http://www.walch.com"]www.walch.com[/url] for more information on our resources.

Find the area of a triangle using a determinant.

Grab a vertex and move it or move the sliders to change the coordinates of the vertices of the triangle.[br]The area is given by 1/2 of the absolute value of the determinant.[br]See if you can move the vertices so the value of the determinant becomes negative.
