LA/SA Cylinder

A [b][color=#0000ff]HUGE THANK YOU[/color][/b] and [b][color=#0000ff]CREDIT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT[/color][/b] to both [url=]Bernat[/url] and [url=]Steve Phelps[/url], who calculated the surface equations for the [b][color=#ff00ff]curved parts of the cylinder's lateral area[/color][/b] (during the unwrapping process). [br][br]This enhanced version (of [url=]this original version[/url]) would not have been possible without their insight. [br][br][b][color=#1e84cc]To explore this resource in GeoGebra Augmented Reality, see the directions below this applet. [/color][/b]
1) Open up GeoGebra 3D app on your device. [br][br]2) Go to the MENU (horizontal bars) in the upper left corner. Select OPEN. [br] In the Search GeoGebra Resources input box, type [b]rCxXxFhE[/b][br] (Note this is the resource ID = last 8 digits of the URL for this resource.)[br][br]3) In the resource that uploads, zoom in/out if needed.[br] The [b]r[/b] slider adjusts the radius of the cylinder.[br] The [b]h [/b]slider adjusts the height of the cylinder.[br] Drag the slider named [b]i[/b] to wrap/unwrap.

Information: LA/SA Cylinder