To Do!
Edit this worksheet. Then edit the appropriate section, making sure that your additions get automatic numbering. If a page is finished, then add the tool icon by clicking on the type setting tool to the left (the bold, underlined, italic capital [b][i][u]A[/u][/i][/b]). The icons can be found under the second to last tool, the one that looks like a screwdriver crossed with a spanner. [br][br]DO please try to keep the time between starting a page and finishing it as short as possible. [br][br]There are currently some 60 pages done and some 70+ pages that are envisioned but not done yet (October 2017).
[list=1][*]Welcome [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_keepinput.png[/icon][/*][*]Contact info [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_keepinput.png[/icon][/*][*]Links to help [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_keepinput.png[/icon][/*][/list]
[list=1][*]Using the templates [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_keepinput.png[/icon][/*][*]Template page with comments [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_keepinput.png[/icon][/*][*]Template page without comments [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_keepinput.png[/icon][/*][*]Template construction [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_keepinput.png[/icon][/*][*]To Do list [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_keepinput.png[/icon][/*][/list]
[list=1][*]Why it is not a good idea (generally) to use multiple windows in applets [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_keepinput.png[/icon][/*][*]When it is useful to use multiple windows (geometric construction + analysis, algebra window for slides and checkboxes, 3D + sliders, etc)[/*][*]Creating a third 2D-window from z = 0 in 3D-view[br][/*][/list]
[list=1][*]Overview of action tools, i.e. sliders, check boxes, input boxes and buttons [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_keepinput.png[/icon][/*][/list]
[list=1][*]Creating logarithmic sliders [icon][/icon][/*][*]Creating sliders using list elements (so any numbers in any order) [icon][/icon][/*][*]Creating sliders that control other sliders properties (such as max values etc) [icon][/icon][/*][*]Creating to sliders acting like like a coarse and a fine control of the same value [icon][/icon][/*][*]Creating multiple step visualizations (possibly with step wise instructions) controlled by a slider[/*][*]Creating a "one slider does it all" slider (these are for you Tim) [/*][/list]
[list=1][*]Cascading Check Boxes (checking the first makes the next one visible and so on) [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_keepinput.png[/icon][/*][*]Radio buttons (checking one unchecks the other alternatives) [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_keepinput.png[/icon][/*][*]Using Boolean values and logic operators (and, or not, in) to control visibility[/*][*]The in operator (or "belongs to" operator) and using it to create "Drag the label" exercises. [/*][*]Using boolean values for conditional visibility and "painting" an area with the conditional trace of a point[/*][*]Showing a text when the user got it right - first steps of auto feedback [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_keepinput.png[/icon][/*][*]Samples of dynamic color examples [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_keepinput.png[/icon][/*][*]Using Boolean variables and bipolar sliders to create clocks (tic toc) (more in chapter 9)[/*][/list]
[list=1][*]Setting the color, size length etc of an input box[/*][*]Controlling the input - limiting values to a certain range, e.g 0-20 and to integers. [/*][*]Setting the focus to the input box (This one is for Mike :-) ) [/*][/list]
[list=1][*]Buttons to reset values, increase or decrease values of sliders etc. [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_keepinput.png[/icon][br][/*][*]Recalculating random numbers with a (one line) script [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_keepinput.png[/icon][/*][*]Changing the appearance of a point with a script [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_keepinput.png[/icon][/*][*]The SetValue command and a script to toggle visibility [icon][/icon][/*][*]Scripting check boxes to emulate radio buttons (copy of 6.2) [icon][/icon][/*][*]Creating formula solvers - enter all values but one and calculate the last automatically [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_keepinput.png[/icon][/*][*]Creating "Anchor points" that drag other stuff with them (as in example)[/*][*]Combining buttons and conditional visibility and Boolean variable to make buttons appear or disappear as conditions vary[/*][/list]
[list=1][*]Controlling animations speed with a slider[/*][*]Making a clock[/*][*]Counting down[/*][*]Simulating harmonographs[/*][/list]
[list=1][*]Introduction to dynamic texts [icon][/icon] [/*][*]Making text look nice and not like y =-3x + -2 [icon][/icon] [/*][*]Tables[/*][*]TableText cheat sheet [icon][/icon] [/*][*]Making calculations inside the object boxes[/*][*]Captions with %v etc[/*][*]Using text for captions[/*][*]Positioning texts dynamically[/*][*]Coloring an individual cell in a table[br][/*][*]Making a table where the user can record data by the click of a button (This is for you Vincent)[/*][*]Why to use a table instead of the spreadsheet in applets [/*][*]Controlling rounding for text and numbers[/*][*]NOTE - Some of these may fit better in the LaTeX chapter[/*][/list]
[list=1][*]LaTeX basics, using the templates[/*][*]More special things [icon][/icon] [/*][/list]
[list=1][*]Creating multiple objects[/*][*]Recording data to the spreadsheet with scripts[/*][*]Creating tables from spreadsheet[/*][*]Connection to construction protocol[/*][/list]
[list=1][*]Overview of custom tools, use as command, don't have in templates etc[/*][*]Text tools for minus sign handling[/*][*]Tools for marking points consistently[/*][*]A set of tools as part of the template and organisation structure[/*][/list]
[list=1][*]Using If to control conditional visibility etc[/*][*]Creating input filters for variables (copy of 7.2)[/*][/list]
[list=1][*]Spreadsheet regions as lists[/*][*]Creating a number sequence and showing it as points using Sequence command[/*][*]Creating multiple objects with sequence command [icon][/icon][/*][*]Creating multiple objects in 2 and 3 dimensions with nested sequence commands[/*][*]Intersecting a segment in n parts (A lot of these are for you Birgit) [/*][*]Intersecting a circle in n parts[/*][*]Usage of zip-command[/*][*]Usage of RemoveUndefined command[/*][*]Texts in lists for a variety of feedback answers[/*][*]Adding and subtracting to lists as a means of keeping and retrieving data (as in 11.2 and 10.10)[/*][/list]
[list=1][*]Statistics in 3D[/*][*]Creating a 95% ellipse[/*][*]Other useful math and statistics tricks[/*][/list]
Please note that this is not a programming manual. Keep examples short and to the point. [br][br][list=1][*]The ggbApplet.evalCommand(“…”) instruction[/*][*]Creating 1000 points in a square and counting how many fall in an inscribed circle (as an example of a Monte Carlo simulation) with loops and conditional statements etc. [/*][*]An example of how to use Listeners and program autocorrecting dynamic geometry exercises[br][/*][*]What libraries are availabe[/*][/list]
[list=1][*]Writing down all the decisions you have to make [/*][*]Size considerations (should the apps be usable on a phone?)[/*][*]Selecting colors, sizes etc and making the template[/*][*]Creating a template that can change an existing file to a certain style (Gerrit - you know what I mean) [/*][*]Creating defaults for new objects[/*][*]Deciding on the structure and layout (do we generally have text to the right or left of the construction?) [/*][*]Deciding on the group workflow - who does what and in what order[/*][/list]
[list=1][*]Close the algebra window[/*][*]Consider making objects auxillary if you want the algebra window open[/*][*]Fixing objects[/*][*]Making it impossible to select objects[/*][*]Make images background images[/*][*]Save and upload without options to Pan and Zoom (is there a way to make this the default Mike?)[/*][/list]
[list=1][*]The GeoGebra Book Publishing system. What you can (and cannot) do. [/*][*]Creating and filling the book[/*][*]Managing multiple authors by connecting it to a group[/*][/list]
[list=1][*]Making worksheets with exercises [/*][*]Reasonable use and managing automatic feedback to students[/*][/list]
[list=1][*]Embedding applets on web sites[/*][*]XML-hacks (such as changing thumbnails that go corrupt) [/*][*]Using CSS for GeoGebra Books hosted by you [/*][/list]
[list=1][*]Starting GeoGebra with a custom perspective[/*][/list]
Everyone please just add material. Both under appropriate techniques in the various chapters under the Examples headline, but also here, especially if they are complicated.
[list=1][*]Helpful links [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_keepinput.png[/icon][/*][/list][br]Please add useful links and instructions as you see fit (Mike: I'm sure you can put stuff here)