Checkliste - If Using Visual Mode Only

1.  Use relevant graphics and text to communicate content - [b]Multimedia Principle[br][/b][br]2.  Integrate the text nearby the graphic on the screen - [b]Contiguity Principle[br][/b][br]3.  Avoid covering or separating information that must be integrated for ­learning - [b]Contiguity Principle[br][/b][br]4.  Avoid irrelevant graphics, stories, and lengthy text - [b]Coherence Principle[br][/b][br]5.  Write in a conversational style using first and second person - [b]Personalization Principle[br][/b][br]6.  Use virtual coaches (agents) to deliver instructional content such as examples and hints - [b]Personalization Principle[/b][br][br]7.  Break content down into small topic chunks that can be accessed at the learner’s preferred rate - [b]Segmentation Principle[br][/b][br]8.  Teach important concepts and facts prior to procedures or processes - [b]Pretraining Principle[/b]

Information: Checkliste - If Using Visual Mode Only