Normal Distribution

This sketch shows the normal curve 4 standard deviations above and below the mean: [math]x\in\left[\mu-4\sigma,\mu+4\sigma\right][/math].[br][br]You can change the Mean and Standard Deviation, which will relabel the x-axis. In reality, the curve would also be dilated and translated, but this sketch fixes the relative shape.[br][br][b]Find a percentage for an interval [Lower, Upper][/b][br][list=1][*]Check the box.[/*][*]Input the Lower Bound[/*][*]Input the Upper Bound[/*][*]The area under the curve will be highlighted and the percentage of values in this interval will be shown.[/*][/list][br][b]Inverse Normal[/b][br]Given a fixed percentage, [math]p\%[/math], this will return the following:[br][list][*]Left Tail: [math]x[/math] such that [math]p\%[/math] of the values are to the left of it.[/*][*]Center: [math]\left[\mu-x,\mu+x\right][/math] such that [math]p\%[/math] of the values are in this interval centered at [math]\mu[/math].[/*][*]Right Tail: [math]x[/math] such that [math]p\%[/math] of the values are to the right of it.[/*][/list]

Information: Normal Distribution