Copy of Interactive Riemann Sum Applet

[b]Dynamic Riemann Sum Applet[/b][br]Controls:[list][br][*]the interval [[b]a[/b],[b]b[/b]],[br][*]the number of rectangles, [b]n[/b],[br][*]the function, [b]f(x)[/b], and[br][*]where along the width of each rectangle the height is sampled from, ranging from [b]p[/b]=0 (the left side) to [b]p[/b]=1 (the right side).[br][/list]
What effect does it have if [b]f(x)[/b] is discontinuous? Try something like [b]f(x) = x - abs(x - 2) / (x - 2)[/b].

Information: Copy of Interactive Riemann Sum Applet