Copy of Rotations

Rotating a Shape
Use the GeoGebra tools to create a polygon and a point. Then figure out how to rotate your shape 75˚ clockwise.[br][br]Then Try 180˚.
A rotation is a transformation that creates a new figure through "turning" a figure around a given point.[br][br]The point is called the "center of rotation." Rays drawn from the center of rotation to a point and its image form the "angle of rotation."[br]
Now, return to the GeoGebra sketch above. Use the slider to focus on 90˚, 180˚, and 270˚counter-clockwise rotations. Notice how the points change and record your findings below.
For a 90˚ counterclockwise rotation, the rule for changing each point is [math]\left(x,y\right)\longrightarrow[/math]
For a 180˚ counterclockwise rotation, the rule for changing each point is [math]\left(x,y\right)\longrightarrow[/math]
For a 270˚ counterclockwise rotation, the rule for changing each point is [math]\left(x,y\right)\longrightarrow[/math]

Information: Copy of Rotations