How to embed GeoGebra applets in revealjs slides

What is revealjs?
[b]reveal.js[/b] is an open source HTML presentation framework. It's a tool that enables anyone with a web browser to create fully-featured and beautiful presentations for free.[br][br]Learn more about it here:
GeoGebra applets in revealjs slides
You can embed GeoGebra applets in your revealjs slides. Just follow the steps bellow.[br][br][b]Note:[/b] This method also works using Markdown.
Open demo in a new tab: [url=]Series[/url][br][br]Here are more examples:[br][list][*][url=]Topology[/url][/*][*][url=]Linear Transformations[/url][/*][*][url=]Riemann sphere[/url][/*][/list]
Step 1
Find an applet in
Step 2
Click on the [b]Three Dots Menu[/b] (right-top corner) and select the [b]Details [/b]option
Step 3
Click on [b]Share button[/b] and then click on [b]Embed tab[/b] to copy the[b] iFrame code[/b] by clicking on the small notes icon on the right or select the code and copy.
Step 4
Insert you iFrame GeoGebra code in your [b]reveal.js[/b] code:
For more details about the iFrame embedding consult: [url=]Material Embedding (Iframe)[/url][br][br]If you found this useful, let me know [url=]@jcponcemath[/url]

Information: How to embed GeoGebra applets in revealjs slides