Slope Field
This GeoGebra applet is intended to explore slope field of an ordinary differential equation. Slope field can be used to sketch graph of a solution of an ODE without solving the ODE. Instructions to use the applet are given in Graphic View 1.[br][br]For more on ODE check my online book [br]"Flipped Classroom Calculus of Single Variable"[br]https://versal.com/learn/vh45au/
Slope Field
DE with Variables Separable
A DE M(x,y)dx+N(x,y)dy=0 is said to be of the type variables separable if it can be rewritten the form [br]f(x)dx+g(y)dy=0[br]The applet contains stepwise solution of an example and many randomly generated questions. The purpose of this applet is to facilitate practice on solving this type of DEs. Follow the instructions which can be displayed by checking the checkbox Instructions
First Order Homogeneous Differential Equation
A first order differential equation is called homogeneous if it can be written in the form [math]\frac{dy}{dx}=f\left(\frac{y}{x}\right)[/math]. Its solution requires substitution [math]y=ux[/math], which converts it into a differential equation in u and x with variables separable. The purpose of this applet is to facilitate practice on solving this type of differential equation. A step-wise example is provided. Follow the instructions given in the applet.
Exact Differential Equation
The purpose of this applet is to facilitate practice on solving an exact differential equation. A first order first degree differential equation is said to be exact if, when written in the form M(x,y) dx+N(x,y) dy = 0,[br][math]M_y=N_x[/math]. The subsuffix denotes the variable for taking partial derivative. Follow the instructions on the applet.
First Order Linear DE
A first [url=#]order[/url] linear differential equation can be written in the form[br][math]\frac{dy}{dx}+P\left(x\right)y=Q\left(x\right)[/math][br]A method to solve this kind of differential equation is to use integrating factor [math]e^{\int Pdx}[/math].[br]The purpose of this applet is to facilitate [url=#]practice[/url] solving these differential equations.[br]Follow instructions given on the applet. Some of the answers involve absolute values and sgn function because of the piecewise nature of integrand involved. One may use [math]\left|t\right|=t[/math] and [math]sgn\left(t\right)=1[/math] to compare the user answer without sgn function.