[list=1][*][url=https://www.geogebra.org/u][size=100][/size]Log in[/url] to your [i]GeoGebra[/i] account.[br][b]Note:[/b] If you do not have a [i]GeoGebra[/i] account, please [url=https://accounts.geogebra.org/user/create]register[/url].[/*][*]Press the [img]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/7/7d/Menu-file-new.svg/16px-Menu-file-new.svg.png[/img] [i]CREATE[/i] button and select [i]Book [/i]to open the [i]Book [/i]editor.[/*][/list]
Go to the [i]Title Page[/i] tab of the [i]Book [/i]editor to input some basic information and metadata about your [i]GeoGebra Book[/i]. The metadata will help other users of the [i]GeoGebra[/i] community to search for your resources and thus, benefit from your effort and expertise.[br][list][*]Title[br]Fill in the title of your [i]GeoGebra Book[/i]. [br][br][/*][*]Language[br]Specify the main language of your [i]GeoGebra[/i] [i]Book [/i]to help other users from the international [i]GeoGebra[/i] community to locate resources in their preferred language. [br][br][/*][*]Description[br]Add an optional description[i] [/i]for your [i]GeoGebra Book[/i], which will make it easier for other users to decide whether this resource is what they were looking for (optional).[br][br][/*][*]Target Group (Age)[br]Specify the age of the user target group[i] [/i]intended to work with this [i]GeoGebra Book[/i]. [br][br][/*][*]Tags[br]Add tags[i] [/i](key words) which allow other users to find your [i]GeoGebra Book[/i].[br][b]Note: [/b]When [url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/rgecrznx#material/ztdvafcr]publishing resources[/url], a dialog will help you to add tags more easily.[br][br][/*][/list][list][*]Visibility[br]Decide about the visibility of your [i]GeoGebra Book [/i]and specify, which users will be able to access your [i]Book[/i]. You can choose between the following options: [list][*][i]Shared with Link[/i]: Only users who have the direct link to your Book can view it. Please note that it won't appear in the search results of other users.[/*][*][i]Private[/i]: Other users cannot view your Book, which won't appear in their search results either.[/*][*][b]Note:[/b] To set the visibility to [i]Public [/i]have a look at [url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/rgecrznx#material/ztdvafcr]How to publish resources[/url] in this tutorial.[br][/*][/list][/*][/list][br]When you are done entering information about your new [i]Book[/i], just press [i]Save[/i] and start adding content. You can edit the metadata at any time on the [i]Title Page[/i] tab in the [i]Book [/i]editor.[br][br][b]Note:[/b] By creating a [i]GeoGebra Book [/i]you agree to publish your work under the [url=http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0]Creative Commons: Attribution Share Alike[/url] license.
After saving your title page, the [i]Book editor[/i] opens automatically with tab [i]Content[/i] being active by default. Now you can ...[br][list][*]add existing [i]Activities[/i][/*][*]create new [i]Activities[/i][/*][*]structure your [i]Book [/i]by inserting chapters [/*][/list]
Set up the main structure of your[i] GeoGebra Book[/i] by creating different chapters (optional).[br][br]Choose [img]https://www.geogebra.org/wiki/uploads/thumb/0/00/Menu-chapter-new.svg/16px-Menu-chapter-new.svg.png[/img] [i]New Chapter[/i] and specify a name. Enter an optional description for the chapter in the appearing dialog. Press [i]Save [/i]when you are done. [br][br][b] Note:[/b] [br][list][*]All chapters you add to your [i]GeoGebra Book[/i] are displayed in the chapters overview. [/*][*]Edit the name and / or description of the chapter at any time by selecting the [img]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/5/56/Editgray24.png[/img][i]Edit[/i] button next to the chapter's current name.[/*][*]Change the order of chapters using drag and drop.[/*][*]Delete a chapter from your [i]Book [/i]by selecting the [img]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/0/0f/Deletegray24.png[/img][i]Delete[/i] button next to the chapter's name.[/*][/list]
It's time to add resources from the [i]GeoGebra [/i]resources platform to your [i]GeoGebra Book[/i]. Select the chapter you want to add your resource to (optional) and select[i] Add Activity [/i]to choose between the following options:[br][br][list][*]New Activity: Create a new [i]Dynamic Activity[/i] using the online [i]Activity [/i]editor. Add text, [i]GeoGebra[/i] applets, videos, images and more to your [i]Dynamic Activity[/i] and enter metadata in the [i]Activity Settings[/i].[br][b]Note[/b]: Your Activity will now appear in the activities overview of the [i]Book[/i]. Edit the name and / or description of the [i]Activity [/i]at any time by pressing the [img]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/5/56/Editgray24.png[/img] [i]Edit[/i] button next to the activity's current name.[br][br][/*][*]Existing Activity: Search for your own or other public resources. Decide which [i]Activity [/i]you would like to add to your [i]GeoGebra Book [/i]and press [i]Add [/i]at the right of the resource’s name.[br][b]Note:[/b] You can also enter the resources ID if you search for a specific activity. [/*][/list][br][b] Note: [/b][br][list][*]All resources you add to a chapter are displayed in the [i]Activities[/i] overview for the selected chapter. [/*][*]Edit an [i]Activity [/i]from your [i]GeoGebra Book [/i]at any time by pressing the [img]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/5/56/Editgray24.png[/img] [i]Edit[/i] button next to its name.[/*][*]Change the order of [i]Activities [/i]within a chapter or move [i]Activities [/i]to a different chapter using drag and drop.[/*][*]Delete an [i]Activity [/i]from your [i]GeoGebra Book [/i]at any time by pressing the [img]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/0/0f/Deletegray24.png[/img] [i]Delete[/i] button next to the resource's name.[/*][/list]
Preview your [i]GeoGebra Book[/i].[br][b]Note:[/b] Use [img]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/5/56/Editgray24.png[/img] [i]Edit Book[/i] from the menu to return to the [i]Book[/i] Editor an make further changes to your book.