Division is Repeated Subtraction

Many students have trouble with division; mostly due to not understanding the concept. Partially, due to not knowing multiplication fully. Many may have been absent from school on the critical day it was explained.[br][br]Division is just counting how many times you can subtract on number ([b]divisor[/b]) from another number ([b]dividend[/b]). The number of times you can subtract is called the [b]quotient[/b] and any number smaller the divisor remaining is called the [b]remainder[/b].[br][br]Click the [b]Start[/b] box to see lesson; click [b]Sub as Add[/b] to see work with negative numbers
While many can understand the subtraction method, the teacher jumps quickly to a short cut. This short cut is based on know you multiplication tables well![br][br]Most teachers feel knowing the time tables though 12 is sufficient; personally, I found knowing them through the 16s lit the concept into my skill set.

Information: Division is Repeated Subtraction