1.5 Segments and Congruence

1. Add a new point (C) on line AB to the left of point A.[br]2. Use the measure tool to find the length of segment AB.[br]3. Move your new point so that it is between point A and B.[br]4. Find the length of AC and AB and place them on sketch.
How long is AB?
Part 2: Instructions
1. Move C so that AC and CB change. Then, make at least 5 points on the graph where x=AC and y=CB. [br]2. Use the Best Fit Line to find the a line that goes between the points. Add a label that shows the equation of the line.
Your line should have the form [math]Ax+By=C[/math] where A and B are close to the same. Average A and B and use the value for both. What is this equation of your line?
Divide both sides of the equation by the coefficient of x and y and record it here. What does the equation mean?

Information: 1.5 Segments and Congruence