Time Value of Money solver

This is a solver for problems involving the time value of money (TVM). It emulates the TVM solver on the TI-83+ and TI-84 graphing calculators.[br][br]The seven TVM variables are as follows.[br]N The number of payments[br]I% The interest rate, as a percentage. It should not be divided by 100.[br]PV Present value[br]PMT Periodic payment[br]FV Future value[br]P/Y Payments per year[br]C/Y Times per year that interest is compounded[br][br]You must press Enter or Tab after entering a value in the input box, or the value will not be updated. Note that inflows of cash are considered positive and outflows are negative.[br][br]This is a preliminary version, and it may have bugs. In particular, solving for I% may give incorrect values if the inputs are extreme.[br][br]Tutorial: http://analemma.wikispaces.com/file/view/TimeValueOfMoneyTI-83Plus.pdf


Hier wird die Rentenrechnung visualisiert. Durch Eingabe von Rate, Rentendauer, Zinssatz und Angabe von vorschüssig oder nachschüssig wird der Barwert bzw. Endwert der Rente berechnet und die Entwicklung des Kapitals wird grafisch dargestellt.
