Dette arbejdsark er en del af en eller flere andre GeoGebraBøger. Ændringer i arbejdsarket vil slå igennem i alle disse bøger. Ønsker du stadig at ændre det originale materiale, eller lave din egen kopi til denne GeoGebraBog i stedet?
Dette materiale er lavet af '{$1}'. Ønsker du at redigere det originale materiale eller at lave din egen kopi i stedet?
Dette arbejdsark er lavet af '{$1}' og du har ikke rettigheder til at redigere det. Ønsker du i stedet at lave din egen kopi af arbejdsarket og tilføje den til GeoGebraBogen?
In this activity you will be given several pictures of images that are the result of a composition of transformations, that is to say several transformations were performed in a row to get to the final image. You will use the applet to experiment and deduce a sequence of transformations that maps the pre-image to the image. After, you will write down your sequence along with the defining characteristics of each transformation so someone else can follow your sequence.
Keep in mind: there are many ways to solve each of these problems. What makes your solution valid is that your description (1) can be clearly followed and (2) it takes the pre-image to the final image.