Pentominoes 5x12

A pentomino is made up of five squares joined edge-to-edge, in such a way that each two of them have at least one side in common.[br][br]There are twelve possible pentominoes and they are easy to remember because it is enough to remember the consonants and an I of the word FiLIPiNo, along with the last seven letters of the alphabet (TUVWXYZ).
Try to make or cover a 5x12 rectangle with the twelve blue pentominoes. If you need it, you can use the symmetrical ones of six of them that are green.[br][br]Before clicking on the box to see a possible solution, please give it a try because there are 1010 solutions.[br][br]Construcción realizada por [i]José Mª Vázquez de la Torre Prieto[/i][br][i]@matesymas[br]@josem_vazquez[br][/i]

Information: Pentominoes 5x12