Galileo's Law of Falling Bodies

Galileo's Tower of Pisa Experiment
[url=][/url][br][br][i](The simulation is slowed by a factor of about 8 times[/i][br][br][b][center]Check the following two hypotheses:[/center][/b][br][list][*]Aristotle: An object falls with a speed proportionate to its weight that is, the heavier the object, the faster it falls.[br][/*][*]Galileo: The rate of fall caused by gravity is the same for all objects.[br][/*][/list][b]Instructions[/b]:[br]Fix the diameter of the ball and measure the time of fall for various values of the mass. For example, mass from 10g to 10 kg [br]Fix the mass of the ball and measure the time of fall by changing the values of the diameter. For example, D: 10cm to 100cm [br]Transfer the experimental data to an Excel spreadsheet and analyse the results.[br][br][i]What can you infer from these experiments?[/i] [br][br][b]Check Galileo's Law of Falling Bodies [/b][br][i]The distance traveled by a falling body is directly proportional to the square of the time it takes to fall.[br][/i][br]Measure the falling time each 10 meters. Repeat  the measurement several times[br]Use an Excel spreadsheet to analyse the results.

Information: Galileo's Law of Falling Bodies