
GeoGebra material
[list][*][url=]kegelsneden[/url] (dutch)[/*][*][url=]Iranian arcs and valults[/url] (english)[/*][/list]
[list][*]Carlini A. en Paola Magrone P., [url='S_SQUARE_IN_ROME]Ellipses and ovals in the physical space of St.Peter's square in Rome[/url][br][/*][*]D’Amelio M.G., [url=]Il colonnato calcidico di piazza San Pietro a Roma:[br]immagine, disegno e realizzazione architettonica (1656-1667)[/url][br][/*][*]Dürer A., [url=]Unterweisung der Messung[/url][/*][*]Duvernoy S., [url=]Baroque Oval Churches: Innovative Geometrical Patterns in Early Modern Sacred Architecture[/url] [/*][*]Galea L., [url=]Baldassare Peruzzi: His influences and Architecture and antiquity[/url][/*][*]Guichelaar J., Levrie P. en Penne R, [url=]De bollen van Dandelin[/url] [br][/*][*]Huerta S., [url=,in%20the%20most%20economical%20form.]Oval Domes: History, Geometry and Mechanics[/url][/*][*]Keppens N., [url=]Kegelsneden en ovalen: een vergelijkende studie van euclidische en projectieve definities[/url] (masterscriptie UGent)[/*][*]Mazzotti A.A., [url=]What Borromini Might Have Known About Ovals, Ruler and Compass Constructions[/url][/*][*]Migliare R., [url=]Ellissi e ovali, epilogo di un conflitto[/url][/*][*]Rosin P.L., [url='s_constructions_of_ovals]On Serlio’s constructions of ovals[/url][/*][*]Shrimplin, Valerie, [url=]Borromini and the New Astronomy: the elliptical dome[/url][br][/*][*]Todorova R., [url=]Orthodox Cosmology and Cosmography: The iconographic mandorla[br]as Imago Mundi[/url][/*][*]Voelker E., [url=]Charles Borromeo’s Instructiones fabricate et supellectilis[br]ecclesiasticae, 1577[/url][/*][/list]

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