af2 Matching Verbal Statements to Algebraic Statements (V2)

[b][color=#c51414]Directions:[/color][/b][br][br]Match the algebraic equations numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 to the boxes on the right [br][br][b][color=#b20ea8]Applet will clearly indicate when all are correct[br][br][br]AF.2 Generate and interpret expressions in which letters stand for numbers.[/color][/b]
[b][color=#b20ea8]AF.2 Generate and interpret expressions in which letters stand for numbers.[br][br]Algebraic expressions[br] Investigate situations in which letters stand for quantities that are variable so that they can:[br] Generate and interpret expressions in which letters stand for numbers.[br] [/color][/b]
