Exploring effects of k

In this worksheet is a base function f(x) and it is being transformed by a k value in different ways. There is a slider to change k and 4 buttons to change how k effects the function. Each button has a lable which shows how the new function is writen with f(x) and k.
Qestions Below
For each questions below generalize the effect of k on a linear, quadratic, and exponential function.
How does changing k effect the graph of f(x) in the form f(x)+k?
How does changing k effect the graph of f(x) in the form f(x+k)?
How does changing k effect the graph of f(x) in the form kf(x)?
How does changing k effect the graph of f(x) in the form f(kx)?
How does changing k effect the graph of f(x) in the form f(x)+k?
How does changing k effect the graph of f(x) in the form f(x+k)?
How does changing k effect the graph of f(x) in the form f(kx)?

Information: Exploring effects of k