
[justify]Welcome to the Marvel Theme Park![br][br]Captain America precises your help to design of the new rollercoaster of the Marvel Theme Park.[br][/justify][br][size=150][color=#ff0000]Training Phase[/color][/size][justify][br]First of all, you will need to know what a piecewise function is and how to work with them. To do so, you will perform a small online course at home that will take you around 30 minutes. It consists of a few videos and activities from which you will know everything you need to build the project.[br][br]You can find the course in the following [url=]link[br][br][/url]The course is in English so I recommend you to activate the subtitles.[/justify]
[size=150][color=#ff0000]Work phase[/color][/size][br][br]To build the project you should follow the requirements that Captain America told you:[br][br][br][list=1][*]The project should be presented in the form of a piecewise function.[/*][*]It must start and finished on the ground.[br][/*][*]It must go over and under the ground.[/*][*]It must have at least 5 different modules.[/*][*]The direction of every module must be the same. (This means that the whole rollercoarter must be a function)[/*][*]The TVM of every module must be explicit. (You should calculate it)[/*][*]The modules do not need to be connected, use your imagination to describe how the wagon will jump from one to another.[/*][/list]
[justify][size=150][color=#ff0000]Presentation phase[/color][/size][br][br]The project must be presented to the class in a maximum of 5 minutes. In your groups, you must do a presentation to show the project. [br]Every member of the group should present at least one module. These presentations can be both in English or Spanish, but if you do it in English you will get a better grade.[br][br]Choose a cool name for you rollercoaster, be creative![br][br]At the end of the presentations, you will vote for the best project and it will get a reward.[/justify]

Información: Rollercoaster