alternate interior angles

translating and changing an existing file
In the evolution of GeoGebra new features have been added. So since questions have been added I thought of making the questions Tim added in his worksheets with GeoGebra questions.[br]And since the files of Tim are without words I can easily put his applets into a worksheet in which I can easily translate it into my own language. The only thing I have to do is to make a copy of the existing file, for of course I cannot change the applets of another person.
In het onderstaande applet snijdt een rechte [b]2 EVENWIJDIGE RECHTEN[/b]. [br][br]Hierbij worden twee paren [b][color=#b20ea8]VERWISSELENDE BINNENHOEKEN[/color][/b] gevormd. [br][br]Experimenteer enkele minuten met het applet en beantwoord dan onderstaande vragen.
Verwisselende binnenhoeken zijn
Als de roze hoek 134° meet, dan meet de overeenkomende verwisselende binnenhoek

Information: alternate interior angles