1. Glue in the [i][b]Investigating Nets[/b][/i] worksheet.[br][br]2. Explore the below interactive activities and complete the worksheet.[br][br]3. Draw each 3D object and ONE 2D net in your workbook. Ensure you label the 3D object clearly and accurately. Use as full page for the 2 diagrams for each object. [i] (Note: you MUST use a ruler and protractor - as appropriate)[br][br][/i]4. Using a colour-coded key, highlight the faces, edges, and vertices on your drawings.
[url=https://www.hotmaths.com.au/lessonSection/lesson.action?loc=d9wxrB15J3RhwfmyzHRh2g%3D%3D&hash=#/resources/31393/]Hotmaths - 3D Objects Nets & Models[br][/url]
Take a screenshot of your 11 different 2D nets of a cube from the above activity and SAVE into your own Maths folder on the school network. [br][color=#ff0000][b]Print the screenshot and glue into your workbook.[/b][/color]