Dilations Part 1: What Do You Notice?

Interact with the app below for a few minutes. Have fun exploring! (LARGE POINTS, the slider, and Lisa's pic are moveable.)
In the app above, Lisa's pic is said to be [b]dilated[/b] about [b][color=#ff00ff]point A[/color][/b] by a [b]scale factor [i]k[/i][/b]. What does a dilation seem to do to Lisa's original pic? What can it do? Describe.
In the app below, use the [b]line tool [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_join.png[/icon] [/b]to construct [math]\overline{BC}[/math] and [math]\overline{B'C'}[/math] Then move [color=#ff00ff][b][i]A[/i][/b][/color], [b][i]B[/i][/b], and [b][i]C[/i][/b] around a bit. Move the slider as well. What seems to be true about the two lines?
Use the tool(s) of GeoGebra to prove your assertion is true. Then explain how what you did shows your claim is indeed true.
So when we dilate a line about a point (with a scale factor [math]k\ne1[/math]) , its image is another line that [br]__________ the original (pre-image) line.
So when we dilate a line about a point with a scale factor [math]k=1[/math], its image is another line that [br]__________ the original (pre-image) line.

Similar Figures: Dynamic Illustration

[b]DEFINITION:[br][br]ANY 2 figures are said to be SIMILAR FIGURES if and only if one can be mapped perfectly onto the other under a single transformation OR a composition of 2 or more transformations. [br][br][/b]The applet below dynamically illustrates what it means, by definition, for any 2 triangles to be similar. [br]Feel free to move any of the white vertices anywhere you'd like. [color=#38761d][b]You can also change the size of the green triangle by moving the green slider. [/b][/color]
Quick (Silent) Demo

Angle-Angle (AA) Similarity Theorem: Quick Investigation

Interact with this app for a few minutes. You can move the colored sliders (lower left) to change the sizes of the colored angles. The LARGE POINTS (vertices) of these triangles are also moveable.
In the app above, what do you notice? What do you wonder?
Make a conjecture about the two triangles you see above.
Interact with this app for a few minutes. You can move the colored sliders (lower left) to change the sizes of the colored angles. The LARGE POINTS (vertices) of these triangles are also moveable.
Suppose two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of another triangle. What can we conclude about these two triangles? Why can we conclude this?

Side-Angle-Side: Quick Investigation

Interact with this app below for a few minutes. Be sure to move each slider to see what it does. Be sure to also move the LARGE POINTS (vertices) of these triangles.
In the app above, what do you notice? What do you wonder?
Make a conjecture about the two triangles you see above.
In the app below here, use any one (or more) of the GeoGebra tools to informally prove your conjecture is true.
Suppose two sides of one triangle are drawn in proportion to two sides of another triangle, and suppose their included angles are also congruent. What can we conclude about these two triangles? Why can we conclude this?

Practice: Pythagorean Theorem (1)

Right Triangle Generator for Right Triangle Trigonometry

Math Teachers and Students:
Here, we have a custom tool (far right) that lets you quickly construct a right triangle by simply plotting 2 points and THEN entering the measure of one of its acute interior angles. [br][br][b]Note: [/b][br]If you select the RightTriangle tool (far right), simply plot 2 points. Then, enter in the measure of any acute angle. (You can also, if you choose, enter [math]\alpha[/math] = name of slider) if you wish to quickly change the size of this acute angle.
Quick (Silent) Demo: How to Use

Triangle Investigation

[b]Students:[/b][br][br]Please use this applet in conjunction with the activity you received at the beginning of today's class.

Geometry Resources

[list][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/z8nvD94T]Congruence (Volume 1)[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/munhXmzx]Congruence (Volume 2)[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/dPqv8ACE]Similarity, Right Triangles, Trigonometry[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/C7dutQHh]Circles[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/K2YbdFk8]Coordinate and Analytic Geometry[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/xDNjSjEK]Area, Surface Area, Volume, 3D, Cross Section[/url] [/b][/*][*][b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/NjmEPs3t]Proof Challenges[/url]  [/b][/*][/list]
What phenomenon is dynamically being illustrated here? (Vertices are moveable.)
What phenomenon is dynamically being illustrated here? (Vertices are moveable.)
