Trapped Point (Exercise 1)

[color=#000000]In the applet below, the [/color][color=#9900ff][b]purple point [/b][/color][color=#000000]is [/color][color=#9900ff][b]trapped above[/b][/color][color=#000000] the [/color][color=#980000][b]line that passes through [i]A[/i] and [i]B[/i].[br][br][/b][/color][color=#000000]Without downloading this applet and examining its contents, construct an applet that is a replica of this applet. (Colors irrelevant). [/color]

Slider Exercise 1

[color=#000000]Without downloading this GGB file and examining its contents, try to create an applet that replicates what this applet does. [/color][br][br][color=#000000]Note: You can move [/color][i][color=#980000][b]A [/b][/color][/i][color=#000000]and [/color][i][b][color=#980000]B [/color][/b][/i][color=#000000]anywhere you'd like. [/color]

Congruent Circles: Definition

[color=#000000]The applet below demonstrates what it means for 2 circles to be [b]congruent circles. [/b] [br]Interact with this applet for a minute or two, then answer the writing prompt that follows. [br][i]Be sure to change the locations of the points around each time before re-sliding the slider.[/i][/color]
Complete the following sentence definition: [br][br]Two circles are said to be congruent circles [color=#1e84cc][b]if and only if...[/b][/color]
