[size=150]Editor, Science & Math[br][url=https://www.clio.me/dk/]Clio[/url] / Bonnier, Denmark[/size][br]Master of Education from Stockholm University. Graduated '98. [br]Worked as teacher in math, physics & computer science at Swedish "Gymnasium" (i.e. High school) for 17 years. [br]Since 2015, employed at Clio (part of Bonnier) as editor for the science and math subjects. Currently in charge of the development of the math content and GeoGebra. Clio is an Edtech company that produces digital learning material for grades 1 - 9.
[size=150]Mathematics Assessment Lead, Advanced Sciences Program[br]Ministry of Education, United Arab Emirates [/size][br]I have a Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics with a Teacher of Mathematics Qualification and a Master's in Technologies of Education in Mathematics and Informatics. I'm currently working on my PhD in Math Education. For the past five years, I've taught Math in Bulgaria, the UK, and the UAE. I am currently the Cycle 2 Mathematics Assessment Lead of the Advanced Sciences Program at the Ministry of Education in Dubai, UAE.[br]I started using GeoGebra in high school, attended Markus' course during my Erasmus exchange year at JKU in 2013/2014, and started translating GeoGebra to Bulgarian shortly after that and to this day. I am one of the biggest GeoGebra fans and love to use it whenever possible - in the classroom, while writing exams, or just for fun.
[size=150]Business developer[br][url=https://kikora.no/]Kikora[/url], Norway[/size][br]Business developer at Kikora and founder of Eldur Learning, mother company of Kikora. Author and former math teacher with a particular passion for teaching math outdoor, and combining tactile learning with dynamic digital simulations. Also running Camp Kikora, a combined farm and learning camp for K12 kids. Kikora provides step-by-step instant feedback in all sorts of math problems, including extended use of GeoGebra, covering K12 curricula, with a market share of 55% in K12 in Norway. Also present in Sweden. Provider of the GeoGebra Quick Start tutorials adopted by more than 100 000 students and teachers world wide.
[size=150]Mathematics & Science Teacher, PhD[br]High School Ergolding, Germany[/size][br]Ewald teaches math and science since 1998 and always had a great affinity to the use of technology. He has a lot of experience in teaching students using computer algebra systems and developed a lot of teacher trainings and materials. He is part of the first Bavarian CAS project and did his PhD on the long-term use of technology in the math classroom. He accompanied the handheld-based CAS project in Bavaria and has a lot of experience in using it in low-stakes and high-stakes exams. The recent project is a GeoGebra CAS project with tablets and smartphones. Ewald is deputy head of a secondary level school and lives in Ergolding with his wife Sabine and their three children Michael, Eva and Sebastian. He loves swimming, reading, concerts, wine, good food and conversations, star trek and technology.
[size=150]Independent Mathematics Teacher, Mathematics Education Consultant[br]Brzezinski Math, USA[/size][br]Tim Brzezinski is a full time Independent Mathematics Education Consultant, Mathematics Teacher, and Accredited GeoGebra Trainer and Author (Brzezinski Math). He is a former full time High School Mathematics Teacher (Berlin High School, CT) w/15 years experience (2002 - 2017) and part time Mathematics Instructor (Central Connecticut State University) w/15 years experience (2002 - 2017). Mr. Brzezinski facilitates active and engaging GeoGebra professional development workshops for Mathematics Teachers and Administrators worldwide. In these workshops, he demonstrates how GeoGebra can serve as an powerful platform that effectively fosters active, student-centered, and differentiated discovery-based learning, meaningful remediation, and ongoing formative assessment. Mr. Brzezinski also continues to author interactive GeoGebra resources for Mathematics Teachers worldwide. He also creates interactive GeoGebra content for publishers and other ed-tech companies seeking to accompany their curricula with such material. Tim is also a non-professional magician and enjoys spending lots of time with his wife and their three young energetic children. [br]Twitter: @dynamic_math[br]Facebook: Brzezinski Math[br]Instagram: brzezinski_math
[size=150]Mathematics Technology Specialist[br][url=https://mei.org.uk]MEI[/url], UK[/size][br]Tom taught for 10 years before moving to MEI (an independent UK-based mathematics education charity) in 2005 to work as the Mathematics Technology Specialist. He has delivered a large number of professional development courses for teachers on using technology in mathematics and has produced a variety of resources that encourage teachers to integrate using technology into their classrooms (e.g. https://mei.org.uk/geogebra-tasks). He also developed the Further Pure with Technology unit of study (https://mei.org.uk/fpt) which features the first use of CAS in assessment in the UK. Tom tweets about the use of technology in maths at @mathstechnology and blogs at http://digitalmathematics.blogspot.com/.
[size=150]GeoGebra Institute of Flanders, Belgium[/size][br]I studied engineering and architecture in the seventies and taught mathematics and history of arts. Based on teaching practice I started a website combining theory with exercises in one comprehensive online teaching book, containing some 9000 applets by now. For this website I explored the possibilities of GeoGebra in scripting, random generated exercises and correction. [br]With some early GeoGebra adopters we started the GeoGebra Institute of Flanders, stimulating the use of GeoGebra in Belgium, and we can say that by now in Flanders GeoGebra is commonly used in school. [br]I stopped teaching seven years ago, turning to volunteering in giving additional support to kids with math problems and as a teacher trainer at the Antwerp University. I’m spending a few hours daily on GeoGebra, moderating the forum, maintaining the translation into dutch, and as author of public GeoGebra resources within a wide range of issues. Beside the school maths of primary, middle and high school I created GGbooks on architecture, music, cosmography, physics, thermodynamics and chemistry, combining earlier studies, profession and passion for art and music whenever I’m inspired or triggered by whatever event, question or challenge.[br]Website: http://wiskunde-interactief.be[br]GeoGebra: https://www.geogebra.org/u/ccambre
[size=150]Math Teacher[br][url=http://sasa.sjeduhs.kr/]Sejong Academy of Science and Arts[/url][br]Chairperson of GeoGebra Institute of South Korea[/size][br]I majored in mathematics education in Korea and am in the doctoral program in science education and STEAM education at KNUE, Korea.[br]I have been working on translating GeoGebra into Korean since 2009 and running the GeoGebra user community, GeoGebra Institute of Korea. I have also published various guide books on GeoGebra in Korea.[br]Currently, I teach mathematics at “[url=http://sasa.sjeduhs.kr/]Sejong Science and Arts[/url]”, which is a particular school for the Gifted in Korea.[br]I am trying to popularize GeoGebra by collecting and publishing various ideas on how to apply GeoGebra in mathematics and various scientific fields.
[size=150]Chief Editor[br][url=https://cornelsen.de]Cornelsen Verlag[/url], Germany[/size][br]Master of education from Münster University 2003. Worked as a teacher for Maths and English at a German secondary school (“Gymnasium”). Since 2009, employed at Cornelsen. Cornelsen is a leading publishing house in Germany, Austria and Switzerland with over 1,300 employees working at the headquarters in Berlin and seven other locations. Nils worked at Cornelsen in different positions developing innovative, interactive learning content (lerncoachies.de) as well as classical print media (fundamente.de). Currently Nils leads the editorial team for maths and IT focusing to make maths products and services for teaching and learning even better with the help of technology. However, technology is not an end in itself. It needs to follow the priorities of learning. We want students and teachers to develop to their full potential and contribute to a better future.
[size=150]Secondary Maths Product Manager[br][url=https://www.pearson.com/uk/]Pearson[/url], UK[/size][br]Peter's worked on Secondary Maths at Pearson UK for five years, working on their digital services. He's now responsible for A level Maths resources, and is working as part of the Centres for Excellence in Maths programme for post-16 Maths. His role is to find out teachers' problems, and work with them, our partners and the Pearson team to think up and deliver solutions.
[size=150]Maths Lead[br][url=https://www.cambridgemaths.org/]Cambridge Maths[/url], UK[/size][br]I am leading the writing and strategy development for Cambridge Mathematics. [br]Following time spent teaching and travelling in Asia, I took a maths degree at the University of Bristol and La Universidad de Murcia, Spain, and then completed a PGCE at the University of Wales, Swansea. After this I taught mathematics for 13 years in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire, from primary to post-16, including Further Maths, IGCSE and STEP. I have held a variety of positions including advanced skills teacher, specialist leader of education, head of department and assistant head, working in a variety of contexts including a high performing grammar school, a rural comprehensive and an inner city school in very challenging circumstances. These roles have included mentoring trainees, newly qualified teachers and subject leaders, leading professional development across schools with teachers and classroom assistants, running local authority training, writing and developing schemes of work and resources as well as working with a wide variety of institutions and students. [br]I also run and design teacher training workshops and curriculum development projects in the UK and abroad, and have authored several resource/text book publications.
[size=150]Content Leader[br][url=https://www.kognity.com/]Kognity[/url], Sweden[/size][br]Alice Kelly is an educational publishing specialist, currently working for Swedish EdTech startup Kognity to develop engaging and interactive learning content for secondary schools around the world. Kognity’s curriculum-aligned intelligent textbooks couple highest quality interactive content (such as GeoGebra) with data-driven platform tools. Alice leads on content research and development for the IGCSE curriculum as well as collaborating with Product teams on innovative solutions to user problems. She has a mathematics background, having completed a master's degree at the University of Manchester. Prior to joining Kognity and moving to Stockholm, Alice worked at Elektra Media, a specialist publishing consultancy, producing award-winning e-learning and paper-based content for the education sector.
[size=150]Founder[br][url=https://graspablemath.com/]GraspableMath[/url], USA[/size][br]David has been studying mathematical reasoning for over 18 years: first as a Ph.D. student in computer science, and for 10 years as a professor in psychology for 10 years (most recently at Indiana University). David studies mathematical reasoning by middle and high school students, as well as professionals in physics, mathematics, and computer science. David believes that algebraic laws and manipulations can be made much more intuitive than they currently are, and that technology has a strong role to play in facilitating complex symbolic thought in algebra, calculus, physics, logic, and more. He is excited to lower the rote memorization burden of much mathematics, to help students focus on intuitions and structures. He designs research-based dynamic algebras that mimic visualizations of algebraic transformations, with the goal of helping students focus more on rich learning experiences and deep understandings of algebra. David developed Graspable Math as an ambitious expansion of his earlier iPad app Algebra Touch and continues to innovate in expanding dynamic algebras into new content domains and learning experiences. Currently, he balances design work and business development in the dynamic algebra space with a data science career at Netflix.
[size=150]Online Mathematics Instructor[br][url=https://www.learnquebec.ca]LEARNQuebec[/url], Canada[/size][br]I was born in Ohio, but moved to Montreal, Quebec when I was ten. I always wanted to be a teacher, but for the longest time I thought I'd teach English. Then Calculus happened and I fell hard for the language and beauty of math. I have been teaching math for 32 years, the last ten of which have been in a live online classroom. I have always been fascinated by edtech, especially in getting the students themselves to use it to create their own understanding of math. I am a huge fan of GeoGebra, Desmos, and Graspable Math, because they make it possible for me and my students to learn side by side.
[size=150]CTO[br][url=https://www.taotesting.com/]Open Assessment Technologies[/url], Luxembourg/USA[/size][br]Mark Molenaar is currently holding the position of Chief Technology Officer at Open Assessment Technologies (OAT), home of TAO: the Leading Open Source Assessment Platform for Education & Employment. He is responsible for determining long-term TAO product requirements and strategy by interacting with a broad range of stakeholders, communicating product strategy to both internal and external audiences and leading the company’s engagement with the broader Open Source community.
[size=150]Senior Instructional Designer[br][url=https://www.k12.com/]K12[/url], USA[/size][br]Richard Monke is a Senior Instructional Designer at K12 where he has integrated GeoGebra into the online curriculum across all grade bands to promote engagement, active learning and formative assessment. His recent GeoGebra development efforts include mobile responsiveness, accessibility compliance, cross component communication, an extensible deployment framework and an integrated audio player. Over his 30 year tenure in K12 and higher education, Dr. Monke has focused his efforts on leveraging technology to improve pedagogy. His work in GeoGebra has paved the way for K12 students to have a rich learning experience. In addition to his interactive development work, Dr. Monke also algorithmically generates assessment items for learning management and assessment systems to enhance student learning opportunities.
[size=150]Professor and Director of Maths Development Centre[br][url=https://www.mandela.ac.za/]Nelson Mandela University[/url], South Africa[/size][br]Prof Werner Olivier is the founder and director of the Govan Mbeki Mathematics Development Centre (GMMDC) at the Nelson Mandela University (NMU), Port Elizabeth, South Africa. He has an extensive academic background as research mathematician and HoD of the Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Department at NMU over the period 1990-2010. His passion and experience in STEM education is centered in the development, implementation and testing of large scale customized teaching and learning models that integrate technology, pedagogy and curriculum content. [br]Prof Olivier held a National Chair in Mathematics Education over the period 2011-2015. During this time he directed extensive action research and development using an off-line techno-blended teaching and learning model for mathematics and physical sciences in secondary schools. This included specialized learner incubation programmes aimed at improved access to university programmes for school learners from poor communities. His work also includes a strong focus on professional skills development of in-service teachers. Over the past three years Prof Olivier spear-headed the development of modern inter-active digital learning materials and innovative Android applications to support offline teaching and learning in secondary schools. He also runs a GeoGebra institute at NMU that focuses on the integration dynamic graphics mathematics software in teaching and learning. Under his leadership, the GMMDC has also developed and implemented innovative programmes and competitions to promote STEAM education amongst learners and educators to meet some of the main challenges posed by 4IR.
[size=150]Chair of GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong / e-Learning Consultant of [url=https://www.pearson.com.hk]Pearson Hong Kong[/url][/size][br]I was a secondary math teacher for many years. I am now a School Development Officer in The Chinese University of Hong Kong, providing consultancy services to math teachers of primary and secondary schools. I am also a primary math textbook writer and the e-Learning Consultant of Pearson Hong Kong. I have been using GeoGebra for over 10 years and it is a very powerful tool for me to deliver the services to teachers. In 2012 I started the GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong and have been the Chair since then.
[size=150]Director of Business Development, PhD[br][url=https://sanalabs.com/]Sana Labs[/url], Sweden[/size][br]Currently at Sana Labs, Valentino is on a quest to revolutionize education by applying recent breakthroughs in deep learning to individualize each student's learning experience.[br]Valentino has more than 8 years of experience in developing and bringing to market data science pipelines, in research and development and in team leadership.[br]Valentino previously worked at The Boston Consulting Group leading a team of data scientists building powerful analytics-based solutions to help clients tackle their most pressing business problems. [br]He holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology, where he specialized in designing and developing algorithms with solid mathematical foundations. Valentino also graduated with honors and holds a double M.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Milan and KTH.
[size=150]Inspector[br]Ministère de l'Education nationale, France[/size][br]Vincent Pantaloni has been a French mathematics high school teacher for 18 years (agrégation de mathématiques in 2000). After being a teacher trainer he is now a mathematics inspector for the académie de Versailles (west region of Paris). He is still a member of the research group Commission Inter IREM TICE (C2iT) with GeoGebra developper Mathieu Blossier. The C2iT studies how technology based tools can make teaching more efficient. Vincent also regularly tweets some animated GIFs made with GeoGebra on Twitter as @panlepan. With Ed Southall, he co-authored Geometry Snacks (2017) and More Geometry Snacks (2018) for which he created the numerous pop geometry figures with GeoGebra.
[size=150]Founder/CEO[br][url=https://blutick.com/]Blutick[/url], UK[/size][br]Rob is the founder of Blutick - a Maths teaching system that uses AI to provide feedback to students as they work line by line through problems. He was a Maths teacher for 10 years in the UK, and has a Masters from Cambridge University. He also founded Codestars.com, which has taught over a million people around the world how to code.
[size=100][size=150]Coordinator of Mathematics[br][url=https://www.sewanhakaschools.org/]Sewanhaka Central High School Distirct[/url], NY, USA[/size][br][/size]Robert Pontecorvo is a professional educator with over thirty years of experience teaching Mathematics in both the public and private sector. Since 2009, he has served as the District Coordinator of Mathematics for the Sewanhaka Central High School District (the largest school district in Nassau County in Long Island, NY) where he oversees more than eight-five math teachers of grades seven through twelve. Prior to this, he was a teacher of math and is still a building Mathematics Department Chairperson. He has been an Adjunct Professor in Adelphi University’s Math Education Program and even taught mathematics on television for three years on the Extra-Help Channel for Cablevision and Rainbow Programming. With a background in Telecommunications Engineering and a vast amount of experience in public speaking, Robert is responsible for professional development, technology integration and training, curriculum, data analysis, and public relations for the mathematics department of his school district. He lives on Long Island with his wife, Bonnie, his children, Kayla and Matthew, and his labradoodle Cookie-Jellybean.
[size=150]Author[br][url=https://www.deagostini.com/it/]DeAgostini[/url], Italy[/size][br]Simona Riva, MSc in Applied Mathematics, former maths teacher at science high schools, is a textbook writer and GeoGebra applets designer for DeAgostini publishing house since 2013. She is currently creating (with GeoGebra of course) more than 150 dynamic activities for students and ready-made lessons for teachers for a new series of high school textbooks, but her contributions to DeAgostini publications also include more than 100 instructional videos for teachers and students, as well as printed materials and guided exercises for students. The latest textbook of which she is co-author, "Matematica e modelli" is a collection of problems in mathematical modeling of real life problems for high school students, with a focus on the connections between theory and applications, as required by the new standards for the final exams at the end of the 5-year courses of Italian science high schools. Long-standing member of the GeoGebra community – since Dec. 2007! – she is the Italian translator of every written bit and programmed byte of GeoGebra. You will probably know her from the Forum, where she lurks 24/7 and tries to offer her GeoGebra and mathematical expertise, answering to the users' questions, hoping to press "Send" before Chris Cambré. Hobbies: watching the stars, banning spammers, cooking fake Italian recipes by Jamie Oliver
[size=150]Co-founder and CEO[br][url=https://www.photomath.net]Photomath[/url], Croatia/USA[/size][br]Damir is technology entrepreneur based in Zagreb, Croatia. He is the founder and CEO of Photomath, one of the most popular educational apps in the world. He has technical background – degree in Electrical Engineering /Computer Technology from the Zagreb University. He was the founder Iskon, the first private internet service provider in Croatia, VC backed company which was sold to Croatian Telecom in 2006. Damir is also co-founder of MicroBlink, computer vision software company, Croatian Business Angel Network and ZIP startup Incubator in Zagreb.
[size=150]Senior researcher[br][url=http://www.pep.com.cn/]People's Education Press[/url], China[/size][br]Sha Sha, born in 1981, is the senior researcher of PEP Digital Education Research Institute, mainly engaged in curriculum and digital textbook of primary and secondary schools research, the main drafter of Chinese National Standards for e-Textbook.
[size=150]Learning Architect[br][url=https://area9lyceum.com/]Area9[/url], Denmark[/size][br]Karis studied Physics at the University of Florence (BSc, Italy) and at the University of Copenhagen (MSc, DK). At the latter, she received a PhD in biophysics with a thesis on polarization in biomembranes.[br]Karis’ educational and pedagogical experience consists of more than ten years of teaching, and includes private tutoring to students from primary school to University students and teaching assistant activity in different courses at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen.[br]After her research activity, she has been developing interactive educational material in the form of virtual laboratories simulations for both Web and VR.[br]In addition to being a learning engineer, Karis is the learning architect for math at Area9 where she is responsible for math content and content technology.
[size=150]Executive Editor[br][url=https://www.pearson.com]Pearson[/url], USA[/size][br]Jeff is the editor for collegiate mathematics products at Pearson, a worldwide leader in educational publishing. He works with authors and development teams to produce digital and print products for all university-level mathematics courses. He is based in Boston.