CCSS High School: Functions (Linear, Quadratic, Exponential)
1. HSF.LE.A.1, 1.A, 1.B, 1.C
- Equation of a Line: Dynamic Illustrator
- Blueprint Equation of a Line (I)
- Graphing Linear Equations: Question Generator (V1)
- Graphing Linear Equations: Question Generator (V3)
- Graphing Linear Equations: Question Generator (V2)
- Graphing Linear Equations in Standard Form: Question Generator (V1)
- Working with Linear Equations Written in Standard Form: Quiz (V2-A)
- Working with Linear Equations Written in Standard Form: Quiz (V2-B)
- Payment Options!
- Exponential Functions: Graphs
- Exponential Growth vs. Linear Growth
- Exponential Growth & Decay (Illustrated Meaning)
- Half-Life Action!!!
- Animation 158
- Half-Life Action (2)!!!
- Half-Life Action (3)!!!
- Animation 159
2. HSF.LE.A.2
- Relating SLOPE and Y-INTERCEPT to the REAL WORLD
- Writing the Equation of a Line (I-VA)
- Writing Linear Equations (I) - B Obvious
- Writing the Equation of a Line Given a Slope & Point (V1)
- Writing Linear Equations Given Slope & Point (V2)
- Writing Linear Equations Given 2 Points (y-int = integer)
- Writing Linear Equations Given 2 Points (y-int not necessarily an integer)
- Quiz: Application Problems - Writing Linear Equations Given 2 Points
- Writing the Equation of a Line Given Both Intercepts
- Writing Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
- Modeling with Exponential Functions V1
- Modeling With Exponential Functions V2
- Exponential Functions: Graphs
- Half-Life Function
3. HSF.LE.A.3
- Fastest Growing Function?
4. HSF.LE.A.4
- Solving Exponential Equations (I)
5. HSF.LE.B.5
- Relating SLOPE and Y-INTERCEPT to the REAL WORLD
6. Links to Other CCSS High School: Functions Resources
- Functions Resources
7. *Additional: Links to CCSS High School: Geometry Resources
- Geometry Resources
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CCSS High School: Functions (Linear, Quadratic, Exponential)
Tim Brzezinski, SAVAŞ ORHAN, Mar 25, 2018

This GeoGebra Book contains discovery-based learning activities, investigations, and meaningful remediation worksheets that were designed to help enhance students' learning of concepts related to Functions: Linear, Quadratic, and Exponential Models.
Table of Contents
- HSF.LE.A.1, 1.A, 1.B, 1.C
- Equation of a Line: Dynamic Illustrator
- Blueprint Equation of a Line (I)
- Graphing Linear Equations: Question Generator (V1)
- Graphing Linear Equations: Question Generator (V3)
- Graphing Linear Equations: Question Generator (V2)
- Graphing Linear Equations in Standard Form: Question Generator (V1)
- Working with Linear Equations Written in Standard Form: Quiz (V2-A)
- Working with Linear Equations Written in Standard Form: Quiz (V2-B)
- Payment Options!
- Exponential Functions: Graphs
- Exponential Growth vs. Linear Growth
- Exponential Growth & Decay (Illustrated Meaning)
- Half-Life Action!!!
- Animation 158
- Half-Life Action (2)!!!
- Half-Life Action (3)!!!
- Animation 159
- HSF.LE.A.2
- Relating SLOPE and Y-INTERCEPT to the REAL WORLD
- Writing the Equation of a Line (I-VA)
- Writing Linear Equations (I) - B Obvious
- Writing the Equation of a Line Given a Slope & Point (V1)
- Writing Linear Equations Given Slope & Point (V2)
- Writing Linear Equations Given 2 Points (y-int = integer)
- Writing Linear Equations Given 2 Points (y-int not necessarily an integer)
- Quiz: Application Problems - Writing Linear Equations Given 2 Points
- Writing the Equation of a Line Given Both Intercepts
- Writing Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
- Modeling with Exponential Functions V1
- Modeling With Exponential Functions V2
- Exponential Functions: Graphs
- Half-Life Function
- HSF.LE.A.3
- Fastest Growing Function?
- HSF.LE.A.4
- Solving Exponential Equations (I)
- HSF.LE.B.5
- Relating SLOPE and Y-INTERCEPT to the REAL WORLD
- Links to Other CCSS High School: Functions Resources
- Functions Resources
- *Additional: Links to CCSS High School: Geometry Resources
- Geometry Resources
HSF.LE.A.1, 1.A, 1.B, 1.C
1. Equation of a Line: Dynamic Illustrator
2. Blueprint Equation of a Line (I)
3. Graphing Linear Equations: Question Generator (V1)
4. Graphing Linear Equations: Question Generator (V3)
5. Graphing Linear Equations: Question Generator (V2)
6. Graphing Linear Equations in Standard Form: Question Generator (V1)
7. Working with Linear Equations Written in Standard Form: Quiz (V2-A)
8. Working with Linear Equations Written in Standard Form: Quiz (V2-B)
9. Payment Options!
10. Exponential Functions: Graphs
11. Exponential Growth vs. Linear Growth
12. Exponential Growth & Decay (Illustrated Meaning)
13. Half-Life Action!!!
14. Animation 158
15. Half-Life Action (2)!!!
16. Half-Life Action (3)!!!
17. Animation 159
Equation of a Line: Dynamic Illustrator

How are the parameters (i.e. coefficients) of the terms on the right side of the equation of the line made visible in the graph itself? Explain.
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The blueprint equation of a non-vertical line is .
The y-intercept is the y-coordinate of the point at which the line crosses the y-axis.
The slope of the line is the amount by which the output (y-value) of function increases (or decreases) when the input increases by 1 unit.
Quick (Silent) Demo
1. Relating SLOPE and Y-INTERCEPT to the REAL WORLD
2. Writing the Equation of a Line (I-VA)
3. Writing Linear Equations (I) - B Obvious
4. Writing the Equation of a Line Given a Slope & Point (V1)
5. Writing Linear Equations Given Slope & Point (V2)
6. Writing Linear Equations Given 2 Points (y-int = integer)
7. Writing Linear Equations Given 2 Points (y-int not necessarily an integer)
8. Quiz: Application Problems - Writing Linear Equations Given 2 Points
9. Writing the Equation of a Line Given Both Intercepts
10. Writing Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
11. Modeling with Exponential Functions V1
12. Modeling With Exponential Functions V2
13. Exponential Functions: Graphs
14. Half-Life Function

Fastest Growing Function?
The applet below contains a collection of 6 functions.
Each function is color-coded so its graph is the same color as its description & equation listed on the right.
Of all these listed functions, which one will eventually "beat all the others", so to speak, with respect to increasing at the fastest rate? Explain your reasoning.

Quick (Silent) Demo
Solving Exponential Equations (I)
1) Solve the given exponential equation you see on the right side of the applet.
2) Write an exact expression for the solution to this equation. (It should be written as a logarithm.)
3) Use your calculator to obtain an approximate decimal value of this solution
(Round this value to the nearest 0.01).
4) Check the reasonableness of your solution by determining the coordinates (x, y) of the
intersection of graphs f and g.
Generate as many examples as you need and work through these examples in order to master this concept!
For some generated problems, you may need to ZOOM WAY IN or ZOOM WAY OUT in order to see the point of intersections of graphs f and g.

Functions Resources
Half-life function: Quick Exploration. (Large point & slider moveable.)

What does it mean for a function to be odd? (Points moveable.)

Geometry Resources
What phenomenon is dynamically being illustrated here? (Vertices are moveable.)

What phenomenon is dynamically being illustrated here? (Vertices are moveable.)

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