
Around a half 8-pointed star you can construct a regular gridof squares and rhombuses. [br]This combination is a wide spread basic scheme for muqarnas in Turkey.[br]The next applet how you can draw the outlines for muqarnas with different size around the half 8-pointed star. Fatin Uluengin gives Turkish examples fot the different options.[br]Click on the checkboxes to see how examples of plans fit within this tiling. Only the tiles at the edges diverge to fit with the border.
[list][*]1-1: Sivas Sifaiye Madrassa[/*][*]3-3: Ahlet: Hassan Padrisah Kümbeti[/*][*]5-5: Erzurum Sultan kümbet[/*][*]6-6: Kayseri Sultan Han[/*][*]7-7: Kayseri Cifte Madrassa[/*][/list][br]In next applet we're constructing this tiling stepwise around a half 8-pointed star.

Information: grid