Translate by a Vector

There are several “[i]rigid transformations[/i]” in dynamic geometry, which move an object around without changing its size or shape. See the tool menu for GeoGebra transformation tools.[br]* [b]Translate by Vector[/b] -- creates a copy of the object at a distance and in a direction determined by a “vector” (a segment pointing in a direction).[br]* [b]Reflect about Line[/b] -- creates a copy of the object flipped across a line.[br]* [b]Rotate around Point[/b] -- creates a copy of the object rotated around a point.[br][br]In GeoGebra, a transformation of a figure like triangle ABC creates a congruent figure that is dependent on the original figure. In a translation, the new figure is moved or displaced in the distance and direction indicated by a vector. A vector is like a segment except that it has a particular direction as well as a length.[br]In this activity, triangle ABC is translated to triangle XYZ. To do this, point A is translated to point X by the distance and direction of vector DE.[br]Construct your own figure and vector. Translate your figure a couple of times and do a drag test to see if the figures stay congruent and what difference different vectors make.

Information: Translate by a Vector