What is a function

[size=150][size=200]Alternative videos to explain what is a function ?[br][br]What is a Function?[br][url=https://youtu.be/22A4KMU7-uo]https://youtu.be/22A4KMU7-uo[/url] (3m59s)[br][br]Meat-A-Morphosis: An Introduction to Functions[br][url=https://youtu.be/VUTXsPFx-qQ]https://youtu.be/VUTXsPFx-qQ[/url] (7m45s)[br][br]Algebra Basics: What Are Functions? - Math Antics[br][url=https://youtu.be/52tpYl2tTqk]https://youtu.be/52tpYl2tTqk[/url] (11m33s)[br][br][br][br][/size][/size]
[size=150][size=200]See an alternative function machine that processes patterns, numbers and simple equations.[br][br][url=https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/function-builder/latest/function-builder_en.html]https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/function-builder/latest/function-builder_en.html[/url][/size][/size]

Linear Functions : Input Variable x and Output Variable y

Assess yourself if you understood the concept of linear functions, where it involves two variables x and y.[br][br]For example y = x + 4 is a linear function. [br]We can also refer to y as a function of x, where y = x + 4.[br]The concept of x as a variable where input values are used to replace x, [br]and the concept of y as the variable that contain the output values calculated based on the "rule" or y = x + 4 is being reinforced in the practice here. [br][br]Fill in the correct corresponding values of y and x for the given values of x and y.

Gradient (Slope): Intuitive Introduction

[color=#000000]Discovery Lesson Activity: [br][/color][b][color=#0000ff][url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s6Y3t5X_LWgMsiGgOxYvakgmC_mq3chrkGEV1oaji9I/edit?usp=sharing.]Gradient(Slope): Intuitive Introduction Investigation [br][br][/url][/color][/b]Original lesson by Tim Brezinski [br] [url=https://www.geogebra.org/material/show/id/Xutr9rPj]https://www.geogebra.org/material/show/id/Xutr9rPj[/url][br]Modified to use the word gradient instead of slope for local students

Relating a Linear Graph to its equation(function) in gradient and intercept form

[size=150][size=200]Drag the blue and red points on the graph and see how the equation of the graph is related to the graph.[/size][/size]

Distance Time Graph ( in metres and seconds)

Visualize the Distance Time Graph (Self Directed Learning)
Use the ShowViewScaleControls checkbox to display other controls for adjusting the distance time graph for any problem you wish to understand and solve
