Applet of the proposed coordinate descent-ascent algorithm for computing stationary points of a numerically specified function

[b][size=85][color=#333333]A [url=]stationary point[/url] of a function of two (or [b][size=85][color=#333333]multiple[/color][/size][/b]) variables is a point at which all partial derivatives are zero and can be a [/color][color=#cc4125]local [/color][color=#ff0000]maximum[/color][color=#333333], [/color][color=#0000ff]minimum[/color][color=#333333], or [/color][color=#38761d]saddle point[/color][color=#333333].[br] As a [url=]numerically specified function[/url], we consider the intensity distribution of the diffraction field when light is diffracted by a single slit: J=J(x,y). The order of operations is the same as for the explicit set function discussed in applet [url=]1[/url]. The algorithms for finding [color=#ff0000]max[/color] / [color=#0000ff]min[/color] can be found in applet [url=]2[/url], and the algorithm for finding a [color=#6aa84f]saddle point[/color] can be found in applet [url=]3[/url]. Algorithm for finding the expected locations of Local maxima, minima or saddle points of stationary points of a numerical function of two variables in the coordinate descent-ascent method in [url=]4[/url].[br][/color][/size][/b]
[sup]*[/sup] [size=85][b]Some Images of the applet of the application of the descent-ascent algorithm of coordinates for the calculation of stationary points of the numerical function f(x,y) in the case of finding a saddle point can be found in the [url=]applet[/url].[/b][/size]

Information: Applet of the proposed coordinate descent-ascent algorithm for computing stationary points of a numerically specified function