Comment vas-tu aujourd'hui?

Déplace le point bleu à l'endroit qui correspond le plus précisément à ton état en ce moment.

Comment allez-vous aujourd'hui?

Déplacez le point bleu à l'endroit qui correspond le plus précisément à votre état actuel

GeoGebra Snowflake Contest

Want to win some GeoGebra swag? We'll be giving away 3 prize sets to the top 3 snowflake creators!
[size=100][size=150][b]Each prize set contains: [/b][br]1 GeoGebra frisbee[br]1 GeoGebra visor[br]1 GeoGebra beach ball[br]Lots of GeoGebra stickers[br]GeoGebra pens (not shown) [/size][/size][br]
[size=150]Here, you can create your own snowflakes. The GeoGebra team will review all entries and will choose their top 3 picks. The creators of each of these top 3 picks will win a prize set (as shown above). [br][br][b][color=#0000ff]This contest will close WED January 6, 2021 at 3PM EST. [/color][/b][br][br][i][color=#0000ff]Creating your own snowflake below is easy! [/color][/i] To do so, [br][list][*][size=150]Drag the points on the left side. Move these points anywhere you'd like. [/size][/*][*][size=150]Use the R, G, B, sliders to change the snowflake's color. [/size][/*][*][size=150][b][color=#0000ff]When you're finished, press the button on the lower right side. [/color][/b] Doing so will automatically send you a screenshot of your creation and will enter your snowflake in the contest.[/size][/*][*][size=150]After completing the step above, please answer the quick questions that follow. In doing so, you will be providing us with very important information related to the contest. [/size][/*][/list][/size]
Create your snowflake here!
[size=150]Winners will be notified by email during the second full week of January. [br]Please provide the following information should [i]you[/i] be one of the winners! [br][list][*]your name[/*][*]your email address[/*][/list][b][color=#0000ff]If you are a student (grade 12 or under) and are doing this as part of a class activity,[/color][/b] please list the following here instead:[br][list][*]your name[/*][*]your teacher's name[/*][*]your [i]teacher's email address[/i]. (That way, we will notify your [i]teacher[/i] if you are the winner and will send the prize package directly to your school so your teacher can give it to you there.) [/*][/list][/size]
Even if your entry does not win a prize set, we would still like to showcase many of these snowflakes to the world. Please let us know your preference regarding this. [br][br][i][b][color=#0000ff]I am willing to have my name and design shared with the community. [/color][/b][br][br][/i][b]Note: [/b]Checking "no" will not disqualify you from winning a prize set. If your entry is a winning entry and you check "no" below, we'll just showcase your design as a winning entry [i]without[/i] your name attached.
Do you have any other comments? (optional) If so, feel free to share below.
[size=150]Thank you for your participation. We wish you a wonderful, healthy, holiday season and a happy new year! [/size]
